Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Homemade Detergent!!!

As a stay at home mom I am always trying to find away to be more frugal with our finances...So my newest way that I thought I would try would be to take on cloth diapers I was given! Yes given Praise the Lord they can be very expensive to buy but a wonderful friend of mine gave them to me! I am hoping it goes as planned and I am able to use this set up at least until he is six months. Then I might be able to get some from my nurse at the pediatrician office! She and I were talking and she said she would give me hers! God is truly so good to us! Ok so my newest thing apart from using cloth diapers was to make my own laundry detergent! Yes you heard me right....the detergent you are told to buy for cloth diapers is soo expensive $17.00 for detergent I think not!!! So here it is: and below I listed the recipe for it if you choose to make it yourself!

So I am no expert I checked out other sites. Some say to use borax but I didn't Walmart was out and I heard baking soda does the same thing plus it is gentler on the skin. Since I am mainly using this for my cloth diapers here is what I did for my own soap I think you could tweak it any way you wanted just using these ingredients.

1/2 bar fels naptha soap (97 cents)
2 cups baking soda (around $2.50)
2 cups super washing soda (around $3.00)

Depending on how it cleans I might add more of the bar soap but I don't want to make it harsh on Zane's skin and since I am the one making it I figure I will make it more gentle the first go round. I will up date you!

Most sites that I found use this recipe:

1 bar Fels Naptha Soap
1/2 cup borax or baking soda
1 cup super washing soda


Equal parts of these three ingredients
Super Washing Soda
Borax or Baking Soda
Sun Oxi Clean Powder

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