I have been beyond blessed with a gracious Heavenly Father! I would have given up on me by now. Honestly I truly would have. I have been so lukewarm in my walk with the Lord! I need his grace more than ever. Life doesn't slow down and it's so difficult to get still and quiet before the Lord. But you know what is amazing God is merciful and He cares so much more than He even has to! Like I said I have been very lukewarm and honestly not in the right spirit towards the Lord or my attitude of service to Him. I am so thankful that God doesn't give up on me and that He meets me right where I am and He ministers to me!
In this post I want to encourage you to cry out to the Lord if you are struggling in the christian life. Ask the Lord to give you a refreshed spirit and to help you to repentance. Yes friends I was honestly this far. I needed to cry out to my Lord and ask Him to have true repentance. I had become so complacent in myself that I wasn't even sure I would know where to start in renewing a right heart towards the Lord and service for Him. The Lord brought me right where I needed to go in His word and He ministered to me on things I wasn't even aware of! Oh my, may I honestly say; what a blessing!!! The Heavenly Father met with me right in that moment when I simply turned to him. All I had to do was open myself to Him and ask Him to meet me. I am so glad He loves me unconditionally! I praise Him for His provision and His never moving hand. Don't believe Satan's lie that you have strayed to far from God and that He won't forgive your sinful state! Remember He has already forgiven all you sins.
Jesus I praise you for renewing a right spirit with in me, ministering to me with your Word, and answering my prayers!
Run to the Heavenly Father His arms are always open! His way is perfect!
A raw and real perspective on life as a preacher's wife. The joys and trials of being a mother of three!
Showing posts with label Faith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Faith. Show all posts
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Jealous Much!!!
At one point in your life we have all struggled with this harsh truth; we can be a very jealous people! This starts at a very young age believe me I know I already watch my 5 year old daughter and 3 year old daughter deal with this. They already compare dresses and hair bows at church with their friends. Unfortunately they have inherited with that sinful nature. It's one that they will struggle with their whole life but can be overcome through the Lord.
Jealousy let's babble for a few...I wish I had her hair it's so strait..I wish I had a husband like hers, he is so thoughtful...If only my children were that well behaved...Wouldn't it be nice to have a house like that one...Look at their new car if only we could have one like that...She has the best body I want it too...She always looks so good why can't I....I wish I had her character mine is so not what I want it to be I wish I was quiet and meek all the time....!!!! Do you see people where we go wrong?!?!
1. We are comparing ourselves to others. Be humble!
II Corinthians 10:12
For we dare not make ourselves the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they that measure themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.
Philippians 2:3
Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.
2. We are struggling with these three things; The lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, and the pride of life! Keep your eyes on the Lord, do not give into the fleshly desires, and again stay humble do not be proud we are nothing without Christ.
I John 2:15-16
Love not the world neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world , the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father but is of the world.
3. Be content with what you have and who you are in Christ Jesus. Remember that Jesus had no place to lay his head but still came to the Earth to endure the cross. That in Him we would become the sons and daughters the Almighty God.
Philippians 4:11-13
Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: everywhere and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
Hebrews 13:5
Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.
II Corinthians 6:18
And I will be a Father unto you and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.
I pray you will let God minister to you with the words from the Bible the book of life! I only shared a few scriptures with you here but after this little study I am sure I could write a book on this very subject and take so much scripture with it. This was a blessing for me to search out in my own heart and I pray it will be a blessing to you as well.
A few thoughts to leave you with to ponder on...When you are thinking within yourself that this sin of jealousy might be puffing up within you cling to these words and write them upon your heart.
II Corinthians 10:3-6
For though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of out warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.
I like that part obedience is fulfilled it paints the end of the picture; obedience: we as Christians should strive to have an obedient spirit and not one of rebellion. But we must realize our battle is spiritual and that if we take it to the Lord and not let our mind wander in its sinful state; we will get victory! I pray victory for anyone reading this. Apply these scriptures to your life and I know the Lord will work in and through you to achieve victory in this area of your life.
God Bless
Jealousy let's babble for a few...I wish I had her hair it's so strait..I wish I had a husband like hers, he is so thoughtful...If only my children were that well behaved...Wouldn't it be nice to have a house like that one...Look at their new car if only we could have one like that...She has the best body I want it too...She always looks so good why can't I....I wish I had her character mine is so not what I want it to be I wish I was quiet and meek all the time....!!!! Do you see people where we go wrong?!?!
1. We are comparing ourselves to others. Be humble!
II Corinthians 10:12
For we dare not make ourselves the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they that measure themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.
Philippians 2:3
Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.
2. We are struggling with these three things; The lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, and the pride of life! Keep your eyes on the Lord, do not give into the fleshly desires, and again stay humble do not be proud we are nothing without Christ.
I John 2:15-16
Love not the world neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world , the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father but is of the world.
3. Be content with what you have and who you are in Christ Jesus. Remember that Jesus had no place to lay his head but still came to the Earth to endure the cross. That in Him we would become the sons and daughters the Almighty God.
Philippians 4:11-13
Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: everywhere and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
Hebrews 13:5
Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.
II Corinthians 6:18
And I will be a Father unto you and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.
I pray you will let God minister to you with the words from the Bible the book of life! I only shared a few scriptures with you here but after this little study I am sure I could write a book on this very subject and take so much scripture with it. This was a blessing for me to search out in my own heart and I pray it will be a blessing to you as well.
A few thoughts to leave you with to ponder on...When you are thinking within yourself that this sin of jealousy might be puffing up within you cling to these words and write them upon your heart.
II Corinthians 10:3-6
For though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of out warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.
I like that part obedience is fulfilled it paints the end of the picture; obedience: we as Christians should strive to have an obedient spirit and not one of rebellion. But we must realize our battle is spiritual and that if we take it to the Lord and not let our mind wander in its sinful state; we will get victory! I pray victory for anyone reading this. Apply these scriptures to your life and I know the Lord will work in and through you to achieve victory in this area of your life.
God Bless
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
God's timing and will
I received the Lord Jesus into my heart at the age of six years old but didn't always live like it. I am thankful to the Lord for never giving up on me and drawing me back to Himself time and time again.
Phil 1:6 Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ
From what I have observe since I surrendered my life to being faithful to the Lord back in 2004. The Lord's timing and will usually has a way about it that you might say within yourself "really Lord?" I know this is true in my own life. I know this was true about meeting my husband. I had just come out of an unhealthy relationship and within three weeks of that the Lord brought my husband before me. Out of no where here he was and the Lord made it so clear to me that Scott was the one He had for me. God has done this many many times in my life. A funny one I can think of is when I went to my pastor and told him there was a need for a nursery ministry within our church. He gave me the responsibility of doing it. That was more than 5 years ago now. I wasn't expecting that in expressing a need I would be the one given the opportunity to fill it. If any of you reading this have ever been involved in the nursery ministry you know why I found this one funny! Nursery ministry especially coordinating it can be very very trying...it is not an easy ministry to take on. But you grow through it and I know that is why the Lord pressed it upon my pastors heart to allow me that ministry. Like I had mentioned in a previous post I was anxious to be a pastor's wife and I was like this about other ministry opportunities. I so badly wanted to be given the opportunity to teach a Sunday school class. Well it wasn't until the Lord had taken my Pastor and my Dad to heaven that I was given this opportunity. A short three weeks after my Dad had passed I was asked to fill in as the Sunday school teacher for a woman within our church who was very ill. She ended up passing and I inherited it full time. This was very unexpected to me but I knew the Lord was in it because He was preparing my heart for a lesson on the Lord being in the details of our life. He was working on me three days prior to my being called upon to filling that class teacher position. I felt overwhelmed that I needed to share it with someone and didn't know who until I was called that Sunday morning.
I am seeing a pattern in this three week thing...I just noticed it! I guess we might see if any other huge event change in my life will bring a new opportunity within 3 weeks LOL.....See always thinking ahead but no on a serious note; I am thankful to the Lord for allowing me the opportunities He has to serve Him but I am also happy that He hasn't allowed me anything until I was prepared and ready for it. I would have messed many things up if I were to rush into new opportunities! I am always full of new ideas to help the ladies ministries within our church but the Lord hasn't allowed yet so I will continue to wait on His perfect timing! He will make it a beautiful thing if He wills it!
I thank you Lord for your perfect will and your perfect timing! I also thank you that you work in this body of clay and you are refining it for your perfect will. I surrender all!
Phil 1:6 Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ
From what I have observe since I surrendered my life to being faithful to the Lord back in 2004. The Lord's timing and will usually has a way about it that you might say within yourself "really Lord?" I know this is true in my own life. I know this was true about meeting my husband. I had just come out of an unhealthy relationship and within three weeks of that the Lord brought my husband before me. Out of no where here he was and the Lord made it so clear to me that Scott was the one He had for me. God has done this many many times in my life. A funny one I can think of is when I went to my pastor and told him there was a need for a nursery ministry within our church. He gave me the responsibility of doing it. That was more than 5 years ago now. I wasn't expecting that in expressing a need I would be the one given the opportunity to fill it. If any of you reading this have ever been involved in the nursery ministry you know why I found this one funny! Nursery ministry especially coordinating it can be very very trying...it is not an easy ministry to take on. But you grow through it and I know that is why the Lord pressed it upon my pastors heart to allow me that ministry. Like I had mentioned in a previous post I was anxious to be a pastor's wife and I was like this about other ministry opportunities. I so badly wanted to be given the opportunity to teach a Sunday school class. Well it wasn't until the Lord had taken my Pastor and my Dad to heaven that I was given this opportunity. A short three weeks after my Dad had passed I was asked to fill in as the Sunday school teacher for a woman within our church who was very ill. She ended up passing and I inherited it full time. This was very unexpected to me but I knew the Lord was in it because He was preparing my heart for a lesson on the Lord being in the details of our life. He was working on me three days prior to my being called upon to filling that class teacher position. I felt overwhelmed that I needed to share it with someone and didn't know who until I was called that Sunday morning.
I am seeing a pattern in this three week thing...I just noticed it! I guess we might see if any other huge event change in my life will bring a new opportunity within 3 weeks LOL.....See always thinking ahead but no on a serious note; I am thankful to the Lord for allowing me the opportunities He has to serve Him but I am also happy that He hasn't allowed me anything until I was prepared and ready for it. I would have messed many things up if I were to rush into new opportunities! I am always full of new ideas to help the ladies ministries within our church but the Lord hasn't allowed yet so I will continue to wait on His perfect timing! He will make it a beautiful thing if He wills it!
I thank you Lord for your perfect will and your perfect timing! I also thank you that you work in this body of clay and you are refining it for your perfect will. I surrender all!
- All to Jesus I surrender;
All to Him I freely give;
I will ever love and trust Him,
In His presence daily live.
- Refrain:
I surrender all,
I surrender all;
All to Thee, my blessed Savior,
I surrender all.
- Refrain:
- All to Jesus I surrender;
Humbly at His feet I bow,
Worldly pleasures all forsaken;
Take me, Jesus, take me now. - All to Jesus I surrender;
Make me, Savior, wholly Thine;
Let me feel the Holy Spirit,
Truly know that Thou art mine. - All to Jesus I surrender;
Lord, I give myself to Thee;
Fill me with Thy love and power;
Let Thy blessing fall on me. - All to Jesus I surrender;
Now I feel the sacred flame.
Oh, the joy of full salvation!
Glory, glory, to His Name!
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Close to the heart
A blog title can define you as a person. If you are one of my readers you have noticed I changed my title. This is me...these two things define the greatest part of who I am. I wanted my title of my blog to be real and completely transparent. No doubting about what you are going to get from when you are reading on my page. I am hoping to get my page more organized and have topics under certain tabs so you are able to see what I have placed the topics under and click on them too see all the post under that topic. I would really love to turn this blog into a place where people can come and relate to me as a forgiven sinner, a wife, a homemaker, a homeschooling mother, and most of all just a real person with a real life. A real life with it's ups and downs. With real issues concerning marriage, child rearing, homeschooling, organizing and caring for your home, and most of all attempting to do this with christian integrity.
The Lord is using things in my life right now in such a way I feel the urge to share it. I hope that in sharing it it is a blessing to someone. My title A Preacher's Wife and a Homemaker was inspired of the Lord. God really laid it heavy on my heart the other day that even though my husband has not been yet called to pastor a church, he is a preacher. My husband has known for years that he is called to preach and has been given much opportunity to do so but has not been yet called to a church. Currently our church is without a "pastor". My husband has been filling the pulpit a lot since last February and along side of that he is in search for the man that God has called to be the pastor of our current church. My husband is filling the roll of the pulpit committee chairman and we know that is the reason the Lord still has us at our church.
The past year has been a huge growth period for myself. I could go on and on and tell you of much that I have learned but the one thing I can say without a shadow of a doubt I have learned is to not be eager to be a "pastor's wife". If I could only paint a picture to tell you how eager I have been knowing he has been called to be a pastor and that we were still stuck here! Haha or that is how it felt! I was always so ready to get out of here for anything...for college...just about anything that was somewhat exciting I was ready to go. Sign me up just get me on with this whole ministry thing already. LOL I was the furthest thing from ready for the ministry. My eagerness should have been the first sign of it. It wasn't until my husband was placed into the opportunity of full time ministry. I say opportunity because it was unexpected and a little unorganized in the way it came about. As I said before my husband was called to be the chairman of the pulpit committee well while he was called on to do that he was also asked by the pulpit committee to fill the roles that an interim pastor would do. So my husband took that on also and it has been a great way for the Lord to prepare us for our futures in the ministry. I know my husband has learned things and I also had my fair share of learning experiences.
Lesson #1 Don't be eager it's a lot of responsibility
Lesson#2 Trust in the Lord's timing and provision
Lesson #3 Pick your battles and keep a quiet tongue
Lesson# 4 Continue to be real with yourself and the people around you (even if you are the pastor's wife you are still human with faults and all; and no your children do not have to be perfect)
Lesson #5 Don't dwell on the people at church that try to break your spirit and yes there will be a few probably the ones you least expect. Go read Psalms and remember how God fought the battles for David many times.
Lesson#6 Don't share worries with your husband go to the Lord. He has enough to handle and doesn't need any distractions from doing God's perfect will. God will be faithful to you in this!
Lesson# 7 Ask for prayer from others outside of the church and take comfort in their fellowship.
Lesson # 8 Cling to the Word of God and allow Him to minister to you in all aspects of life be willing to forsake all and take things that come your way in faith.
Lesson# 9 Pray very fervently for your husband.
Lesson # 10 Pray for the church and love the people.
The last three of these are the most important. Without the Lord any ministry is impossible but with the Lord it is bearable and you can even find much joy in it seeing the Lord's faithfulness along the way! This list will continue to grow throughout the years and I will continue to be thankful to the Lord for His patience with me and His guidance along the way!
I hope you are as excited about the future of this blog and the ministry that lies before us.
The Lord is using things in my life right now in such a way I feel the urge to share it. I hope that in sharing it it is a blessing to someone. My title A Preacher's Wife and a Homemaker was inspired of the Lord. God really laid it heavy on my heart the other day that even though my husband has not been yet called to pastor a church, he is a preacher. My husband has known for years that he is called to preach and has been given much opportunity to do so but has not been yet called to a church. Currently our church is without a "pastor". My husband has been filling the pulpit a lot since last February and along side of that he is in search for the man that God has called to be the pastor of our current church. My husband is filling the roll of the pulpit committee chairman and we know that is the reason the Lord still has us at our church.
The past year has been a huge growth period for myself. I could go on and on and tell you of much that I have learned but the one thing I can say without a shadow of a doubt I have learned is to not be eager to be a "pastor's wife". If I could only paint a picture to tell you how eager I have been knowing he has been called to be a pastor and that we were still stuck here! Haha or that is how it felt! I was always so ready to get out of here for anything...for college...just about anything that was somewhat exciting I was ready to go. Sign me up just get me on with this whole ministry thing already. LOL I was the furthest thing from ready for the ministry. My eagerness should have been the first sign of it. It wasn't until my husband was placed into the opportunity of full time ministry. I say opportunity because it was unexpected and a little unorganized in the way it came about. As I said before my husband was called to be the chairman of the pulpit committee well while he was called on to do that he was also asked by the pulpit committee to fill the roles that an interim pastor would do. So my husband took that on also and it has been a great way for the Lord to prepare us for our futures in the ministry. I know my husband has learned things and I also had my fair share of learning experiences.
Lesson #1 Don't be eager it's a lot of responsibility
Lesson#2 Trust in the Lord's timing and provision
Lesson #3 Pick your battles and keep a quiet tongue
Lesson# 4 Continue to be real with yourself and the people around you (even if you are the pastor's wife you are still human with faults and all; and no your children do not have to be perfect)
Lesson #5 Don't dwell on the people at church that try to break your spirit and yes there will be a few probably the ones you least expect. Go read Psalms and remember how God fought the battles for David many times.
Lesson#6 Don't share worries with your husband go to the Lord. He has enough to handle and doesn't need any distractions from doing God's perfect will. God will be faithful to you in this!
Lesson# 7 Ask for prayer from others outside of the church and take comfort in their fellowship.
Lesson # 8 Cling to the Word of God and allow Him to minister to you in all aspects of life be willing to forsake all and take things that come your way in faith.
Lesson# 9 Pray very fervently for your husband.
Lesson # 10 Pray for the church and love the people.
The last three of these are the most important. Without the Lord any ministry is impossible but with the Lord it is bearable and you can even find much joy in it seeing the Lord's faithfulness along the way! This list will continue to grow throughout the years and I will continue to be thankful to the Lord for His patience with me and His guidance along the way!
I hope you are as excited about the future of this blog and the ministry that lies before us.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Lessons in being a preachers wife
Hey y'all
Sorry it's been so long been sifting through emotions and life in general. You all know how life gets overwhelming well I have been choosing to not let it define me. I choose to not let it have an effect on the peace of my home and well being of my children or my husband for that matter.
Anyone who knows me knows I am the typical woman with somewhat raging hormones. I am a cryer. I cry at the drop of a hat. I cry when I am sad, angry, concerned, or happy...You name it I when overcome with emotion (usually any type)I end up crying. Some say it can be a weekness but I know God made me this way and Pastor Bode told me to never lose my tears. I think as a pastor they were an encouragement to him. :) God still working in the heart of people. In saying that it brings me to the reason I write in the few short minutes I have.
God is still working on me!.... Trials, changes, and trust they all come together in the end. Our faith has to be excercised Scott preached on this the other day. I praise the Lord that He is excercising my faith...even though it is difficult and much like excercise it is straining. God is using this straining in my life to mold me into the wife and mother that I need to be for my family! I have areas the Lord is specifically working on and I can pin point them quite clear thanks to the Lord revealing them to me. I am to trust the Lord with my future concering my husband. I am to be calm and gentle when speaking to my children and show them love in action rather than just words. I am to forsake all for His cause. When saying this it means really giving it all over to Him. This includes my family immediate and extended, my desires, my body, material things, financial things, my children, homeschooling, praying for my husband like I ought to; you name it the list goes on and on. But I know daily I am to give it all over to the Lord and not take it back up in my hands. When I think about the possible next steps in our life I am to give it to Him and ask Him for his perfect will. Also I must stop my thoughts so I can allow God to work in His way and that way I don't put my own thoughts into trying to have an effect on His perfect will.
God is showing me that He has alot of work to do on me as a future pastor's wife. I know as much as my husband is called to be a pastor to the church the Lord would give us in the future; I am to be the wife to my husband that a pastor needs. There will be many life lessons from here on out my prayer is to be obedient to the Lord and have open ears to hear His will.
Sorry it's been so long been sifting through emotions and life in general. You all know how life gets overwhelming well I have been choosing to not let it define me. I choose to not let it have an effect on the peace of my home and well being of my children or my husband for that matter.
Anyone who knows me knows I am the typical woman with somewhat raging hormones. I am a cryer. I cry at the drop of a hat. I cry when I am sad, angry, concerned, or happy...You name it I when overcome with emotion (usually any type)I end up crying. Some say it can be a weekness but I know God made me this way and Pastor Bode told me to never lose my tears. I think as a pastor they were an encouragement to him. :) God still working in the heart of people. In saying that it brings me to the reason I write in the few short minutes I have.
God is still working on me!.... Trials, changes, and trust they all come together in the end. Our faith has to be excercised Scott preached on this the other day. I praise the Lord that He is excercising my faith...even though it is difficult and much like excercise it is straining. God is using this straining in my life to mold me into the wife and mother that I need to be for my family! I have areas the Lord is specifically working on and I can pin point them quite clear thanks to the Lord revealing them to me. I am to trust the Lord with my future concering my husband. I am to be calm and gentle when speaking to my children and show them love in action rather than just words. I am to forsake all for His cause. When saying this it means really giving it all over to Him. This includes my family immediate and extended, my desires, my body, material things, financial things, my children, homeschooling, praying for my husband like I ought to; you name it the list goes on and on. But I know daily I am to give it all over to the Lord and not take it back up in my hands. When I think about the possible next steps in our life I am to give it to Him and ask Him for his perfect will. Also I must stop my thoughts so I can allow God to work in His way and that way I don't put my own thoughts into trying to have an effect on His perfect will.
God is showing me that He has alot of work to do on me as a future pastor's wife. I know as much as my husband is called to be a pastor to the church the Lord would give us in the future; I am to be the wife to my husband that a pastor needs. There will be many life lessons from here on out my prayer is to be obedient to the Lord and have open ears to hear His will.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Growing into changes
And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intecession for the saints according to the will of God. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
ROMANS 8:27-28
So this morning has been unorganized but productive! I have got myself and all the kids ready and that includes a bath! I feel ahead of the game. Well at least at the moment I do. I am sitting down with my fresh fruit and yogurt smoothie while the girls are tidying their room so they can come and enjoy their mini smoothies! There is something about fresh fruit rushing threw your body that just makes you feel so much better!
So onto what I wanted to talk about; growing into changes! I think we as people think we must accept change right away and that it can't be a gradual thing. I think we believe if we don't accept it right away we may as well shut the door to it and act as if it just simply does not exist. I now know and completely disagree with that thought process. In fact the Lord is showing me this more and more in my life recently! Who knows maybe this is part of the grieving process to. I am not really sure but one thing I am sure of is that it's ok to accept change gradually. The biggest obstacle is accepting it. I know this one thing; with God all things are possible!
This last year has been a complete year of change. I have had to accept the change of not having my pastor and my dad here to talk to. I have had to accept the roles that the Lord has put my husband into. Also the role that He has put me into being my husband's wife. The waves of change that happen when you are homeschooling mother. Having a newborn with two other children who need my attention also. Having neighbors move and getting new ones. Relationships changing whether it be drawing closer to some or restraining from relationships that were once close but weren't good for me as a christian. There are many things I am sure you can pinpoint in your own life. You should meditate on things that you possibly have put to the back burner that you might need to work on accepting that change.
The true secret to accepting change is giving it to the Lord and letting Him intercede on your behalf! He will be able to work things out for you better that you can in and of yourself. Just recently I had to face the fact that I couldn't accept the changes in my life because they were completely out of my control. You know what I am talking about those changes that effect you indirectly but they still effect you. I didn't know what to do and it honestly broke my heart that I could be the person I knew the Lord wanted me to be. I couldn't control my emotions to even begin to handle this change. I really believe the Lord saw how broken my heart was over it and He interceded on my behalf in a way I couldn't do on my own. I can now say I know that I have accepted this change and have a positive outlook on the experiences that will come with it. I can cling to the fact that the Lord knew what was best for me when I didn't and He saw me through it for His glory! Also I believe He will help me with the challenges that will come with it because He has been with me from the very start with this specific change. We serve an amazing God!
So my challenge to you friend is examine your heart and see if you have really embraced the changes that have been placed in your life or changes that you need to make on your own if it's the Lord's will. Who knows the blessing we might be missing out on if we don't accept changes in our lives! Also in life some changes need to be made because it is best for us and they may be hard to face but if you do things in faith knowing it is the Lord's will you will be blessed and not hindered. If the Lord has revealed a change in your life that needs to be made don't hesitate it will be a blessing in the end and it will be for His glory! Amen!!??
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Sorry for the delay!
Hey y'all
I have been wanting to get on for days and just write but haven't been able to find the time! Three kiddos is alot more demanding. Although sometimes I think it is just having a new baby. I am probably being to hard on myself! I had been so on top of everything before having Zane and now it seems I am always a few steps behind if not a lot of them! HAHA Speaking of he is starting to grunt quite a bit I will probably need to finish this later.
Today I was able to get up early with my husband and do our Bible reading before he went off to work. We have stayed on track since the beginning of the year and it has been such a blessing! I really didn't know if we would be able to keep up with after Zane but we have continued and caught up when we need to but we are right on schedule. The time in the word has been such a blessing! If it has shown me anything in our marriage it's that we really are an amazing team. We are really good at holding each other accountable and building each other to do right. I have always known Scott and I were a good team because he is always such a help to me when I need it most whether it be with the kids or housework. He never hesitates to help when I ask and I likewise; at least I think so ;) You might have to ask him. Either way I am excited to see how our marriage strengthens around the word of God. I know it will only be blessed!
So I am still not quite in the swing of things but it is slowly getting there! Praise the Lord! It had been driving me bonkers that I wasn't able to get up in the morning before my kids. I had gotten into a really good routine before having Zane and I was loving it. It was a very productive/scheduled routine and it made all the difference in the function of our home.
So this is totally in the middle of all of this but I am so happy about it I had to fit it in! Scott and I OWN our van finally! Paid in full! It is an 05 and has only 90,000 miles on it! It's a great van and we plan on keeping it until it doesn't run. Plus we also were able to get a credit card paid off completely and we plan on working on our debt snowball! If we work everything out we should be out of debt completely by September of 2014 Yay that is only 2 years away! DEBT FREE!!! That includes paying off our other vehicle also! Oh what a day that will be!We are a lot more fortunate than others our age we have taken on a lot less debt than most but debt is debt and it's hard to get out of it once you are in! I praise the Lord for that vehicle payment being gone and us being able to put that money towards other bills!
I am really wanting to get better at updating my blog and having more specific topics I write about. I have notes in my phone about the different topics I would like to emphasize and in due time I will be able to get that done. Blogging can take quite a bit of time but I know it's worth it for me. It is a wonderful outlet to get somethings off my chest and then also the wonderful things the Lord lays on my heart to share and pictures who doesn't love pictures!!! Speaking of I will update some in another post later today during the girls nap. That is if Zane will allow it....We are all working around his schedule at this point! Well all I would love to be writing on a topic but instead I am playing the catch up game again! I promise I will get more on top of it but until then I will really try to stay updated on the pictures! Zane is changing more and more everyday! When we went in for his checkup he was up 2 whole pounds! He is now up to 8.8 lbs and grown almost an inch! He is going to be a big big boy! I have great pictures of the girls holding him. I have tons of pictures on my phone but no idea how to get them on my computer! I need my husbands help with that! So soon my loved ones I will have new pictures up for your veiwing pleasure! ;o) Take care y'all!
I have been wanting to get on for days and just write but haven't been able to find the time! Three kiddos is alot more demanding. Although sometimes I think it is just having a new baby. I am probably being to hard on myself! I had been so on top of everything before having Zane and now it seems I am always a few steps behind if not a lot of them! HAHA Speaking of he is starting to grunt quite a bit I will probably need to finish this later.
Today I was able to get up early with my husband and do our Bible reading before he went off to work. We have stayed on track since the beginning of the year and it has been such a blessing! I really didn't know if we would be able to keep up with after Zane but we have continued and caught up when we need to but we are right on schedule. The time in the word has been such a blessing! If it has shown me anything in our marriage it's that we really are an amazing team. We are really good at holding each other accountable and building each other to do right. I have always known Scott and I were a good team because he is always such a help to me when I need it most whether it be with the kids or housework. He never hesitates to help when I ask and I likewise; at least I think so ;) You might have to ask him. Either way I am excited to see how our marriage strengthens around the word of God. I know it will only be blessed!
So I am still not quite in the swing of things but it is slowly getting there! Praise the Lord! It had been driving me bonkers that I wasn't able to get up in the morning before my kids. I had gotten into a really good routine before having Zane and I was loving it. It was a very productive/scheduled routine and it made all the difference in the function of our home.
So this is totally in the middle of all of this but I am so happy about it I had to fit it in! Scott and I OWN our van finally! Paid in full! It is an 05 and has only 90,000 miles on it! It's a great van and we plan on keeping it until it doesn't run. Plus we also were able to get a credit card paid off completely and we plan on working on our debt snowball! If we work everything out we should be out of debt completely by September of 2014 Yay that is only 2 years away! DEBT FREE!!! That includes paying off our other vehicle also! Oh what a day that will be!We are a lot more fortunate than others our age we have taken on a lot less debt than most but debt is debt and it's hard to get out of it once you are in! I praise the Lord for that vehicle payment being gone and us being able to put that money towards other bills!
I am really wanting to get better at updating my blog and having more specific topics I write about. I have notes in my phone about the different topics I would like to emphasize and in due time I will be able to get that done. Blogging can take quite a bit of time but I know it's worth it for me. It is a wonderful outlet to get somethings off my chest and then also the wonderful things the Lord lays on my heart to share and pictures who doesn't love pictures!!! Speaking of I will update some in another post later today during the girls nap. That is if Zane will allow it....We are all working around his schedule at this point! Well all I would love to be writing on a topic but instead I am playing the catch up game again! I promise I will get more on top of it but until then I will really try to stay updated on the pictures! Zane is changing more and more everyday! When we went in for his checkup he was up 2 whole pounds! He is now up to 8.8 lbs and grown almost an inch! He is going to be a big big boy! I have great pictures of the girls holding him. I have tons of pictures on my phone but no idea how to get them on my computer! I need my husbands help with that! So soon my loved ones I will have new pictures up for your veiwing pleasure! ;o) Take care y'all!
Monday, January 30, 2012
Life is uncertain
In life we see daily that things can change in a moment and we realize we have no control over reality. This last week we were told a young girl who's dad goes to our church lost her daughter to SIDS. Devastating! How do you wrap your head around that? I will be honest with the blessing of our new son I can't honestly begin to put my thoughts there. In fact Scott and I tried to talk about it and I don't think either of us could stomach it. As I talked with Scott all he could really say was God gives people grace. I know this unfortunately I can't wrap my head around it all. I have been in fervent prayer over this young girl and this sorrowful loss. I've been asking the Lord to give her the grace to continue on.
In saying all this what I am wanting to share most is that your faith in all things has to be put in the Lord. There is no guarantee in life, in love, in finances, in relationships, or any other thing that may come your way. I could share so many life experiences with you to show you how the Lord has tested my faith. If I began to write on my own personal accounts I would have you here all day reading! By the looks of it it might feel as though you have read all day long by the time I get done with this post.
With all life's uncertainty there are many many circumstances that come your way to test your faith. I know many who have thought that the love that they shared with their mate was unfailing but then they were faced with hard times, their love was turned into bitterness and then to hatred. Before you know it their focus was off of Jesus and they were separated. As we have all seen with the economy you could be some big shot bringing in the big bucks at one point and within a matter of months you could have lost your job and house and be visiting the soup kitchen for your next meal. In life we as people must see that our fate is not in our own hands and ultimately the Lord does have complete and utter control over all that happens in our life. We on the other hand have free will to make choices. We cannot blame the Lord for bad things that happen in our life it might be a result of our own sinful choices. Galatians 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. In sharing that verse with you be careful you don't blame the Lord for all the bad things that happen in your life.
Now on the upside of all this there is good news. In the Psalms 37:23 the Bible KJV says: The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way. A person could reflect on this verse and draw many applications from it. Some bible versions particularly NIRV says, If the Lord is pleased with the way a man lives, he makes his steps secure. How sad to see God's Holy Word changed. Read them both over again; compare the two. Do you see a difference? I see no "if" in the KJV. The Lord is so clear in the KJV I like this verse especially because you can clearly see the difference! There are many many more verses in other translations of the Bible that have been changed that ultimately do damage to a christian because they are not truly the same meaning as the KJV. The Lord didn't say if at all. He said the steps of a good man ARE ordered by the Lord and he delighteth in his way.
Sorry so easily sidetracked I can get. I am very passionate about the KJV being the inspired word of God and truly believe other versions of the bible are bringing about moral decline among believers because so much of it is distorted, watered down, and creates gray areas whereas the KJV keeps things simple and very much black and white! That was all free right there! HAHA!!! In sharing that verse with you I am trying to show you that even though our circumstances in life can be uncertain you can still put your faith that the Lord knows the path you will take and He will order your steps. You can trust Him in directing your path.
The reason these things happen is ultimately so God gets the glory in our life because without Him we could not persevere through a lot of these trials. Thankfully not all trials that come our way have to be burdens. In all things you can look at them in two views. Are they really a burden or is it a hidden blessing. Is God molding you through these circumstances better question are you allowing God to mold you? With the loss of my pastor and my dad Richard this last year I thankfully can say I allowed God to mold me in that time. I didn't push away from the Lord and try to direct my own path. No, on the contrary I clung to Him and had Him literally putting one foot in front of the other. Unfortunately until we are completely broken in life sometimes we don't see our need for our Saviour in our everyday life. How sad we trust Him with our eternal souls being kept from Hell but we are unable to see our need of Him in the small details of our life. Remember all those small details in life add up to the bigger picture of who we really are in Jesus Christ.
So dear reader if you are struggling in life please take time to reflect on your life. Are you reaping what you have sown? Are you allowing the Lord to direct your steps? Are you truly trusting Him 100% in the saving of your soul? Can you think of a time when you know you asked Jesus to personally forgive you of your sins, then turned from them, and asked Jesus to come into your life because you know what He did on the cross was for you and that nothing in and of yourself can get you to heaven apart from the blood of Jesus shed on Calvary. If you can't remember a time I urge you to seek yourself out and get alone with God and ask Him to forgive you and cleanse you and thank Jesus for His sacrifice on the cross!
Friend if you are a believer in Christ are you trusting Him daily with the small details of your life? Your testimony is precious; guard it and treasure it! When we are weak in our faith what does that say about our God? It sends a mixed message to unbelievers so I urge to keep in the Word and walk closely with your Saviour seeing Him in all things big and very importantly the small things. Have a child like faith see him in all things because really when it comes down to it He really is in every facet of our lives.
God Bless~ Chelsie Clem
In saying all this what I am wanting to share most is that your faith in all things has to be put in the Lord. There is no guarantee in life, in love, in finances, in relationships, or any other thing that may come your way. I could share so many life experiences with you to show you how the Lord has tested my faith. If I began to write on my own personal accounts I would have you here all day reading! By the looks of it it might feel as though you have read all day long by the time I get done with this post.
With all life's uncertainty there are many many circumstances that come your way to test your faith. I know many who have thought that the love that they shared with their mate was unfailing but then they were faced with hard times, their love was turned into bitterness and then to hatred. Before you know it their focus was off of Jesus and they were separated. As we have all seen with the economy you could be some big shot bringing in the big bucks at one point and within a matter of months you could have lost your job and house and be visiting the soup kitchen for your next meal. In life we as people must see that our fate is not in our own hands and ultimately the Lord does have complete and utter control over all that happens in our life. We on the other hand have free will to make choices. We cannot blame the Lord for bad things that happen in our life it might be a result of our own sinful choices. Galatians 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. In sharing that verse with you be careful you don't blame the Lord for all the bad things that happen in your life.
Now on the upside of all this there is good news. In the Psalms 37:23 the Bible KJV says: The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way. A person could reflect on this verse and draw many applications from it. Some bible versions particularly NIRV says, If the Lord is pleased with the way a man lives, he makes his steps secure. How sad to see God's Holy Word changed. Read them both over again; compare the two. Do you see a difference? I see no "if" in the KJV. The Lord is so clear in the KJV I like this verse especially because you can clearly see the difference! There are many many more verses in other translations of the Bible that have been changed that ultimately do damage to a christian because they are not truly the same meaning as the KJV. The Lord didn't say if at all. He said the steps of a good man ARE ordered by the Lord and he delighteth in his way.
Sorry so easily sidetracked I can get. I am very passionate about the KJV being the inspired word of God and truly believe other versions of the bible are bringing about moral decline among believers because so much of it is distorted, watered down, and creates gray areas whereas the KJV keeps things simple and very much black and white! That was all free right there! HAHA!!! In sharing that verse with you I am trying to show you that even though our circumstances in life can be uncertain you can still put your faith that the Lord knows the path you will take and He will order your steps. You can trust Him in directing your path.
The reason these things happen is ultimately so God gets the glory in our life because without Him we could not persevere through a lot of these trials. Thankfully not all trials that come our way have to be burdens. In all things you can look at them in two views. Are they really a burden or is it a hidden blessing. Is God molding you through these circumstances better question are you allowing God to mold you? With the loss of my pastor and my dad Richard this last year I thankfully can say I allowed God to mold me in that time. I didn't push away from the Lord and try to direct my own path. No, on the contrary I clung to Him and had Him literally putting one foot in front of the other. Unfortunately until we are completely broken in life sometimes we don't see our need for our Saviour in our everyday life. How sad we trust Him with our eternal souls being kept from Hell but we are unable to see our need of Him in the small details of our life. Remember all those small details in life add up to the bigger picture of who we really are in Jesus Christ.
So dear reader if you are struggling in life please take time to reflect on your life. Are you reaping what you have sown? Are you allowing the Lord to direct your steps? Are you truly trusting Him 100% in the saving of your soul? Can you think of a time when you know you asked Jesus to personally forgive you of your sins, then turned from them, and asked Jesus to come into your life because you know what He did on the cross was for you and that nothing in and of yourself can get you to heaven apart from the blood of Jesus shed on Calvary. If you can't remember a time I urge you to seek yourself out and get alone with God and ask Him to forgive you and cleanse you and thank Jesus for His sacrifice on the cross!
Friend if you are a believer in Christ are you trusting Him daily with the small details of your life? Your testimony is precious; guard it and treasure it! When we are weak in our faith what does that say about our God? It sends a mixed message to unbelievers so I urge to keep in the Word and walk closely with your Saviour seeing Him in all things big and very importantly the small things. Have a child like faith see him in all things because really when it comes down to it He really is in every facet of our lives.
God Bless~ Chelsie Clem
Friday, December 9, 2011
Blessings must be counted
Hey y'all,
I felt the need to write today and as I was thinking I thought what could I possibly have to share. Well to be honest there is plenty but to save you time and spare you all the details I will keep this on point.
So blessings must be counted....As I ponder on this fact think about it yourself what are your blessings. You know with Christmas just around the corner it is easy to think of all the things we would like or like to be able to give. Christmas has become a holiday of giving and receiving which I guess is fine but what about everyday things. What if we made everyday like Christmas were just around the corner. What if every day we showed true CHRISTian character just out of the love that we have because of the Holy Spirit. Have you ever tipped a Wendy's employee a few extra dollars through the drive thru because you wanted to be more of a blessing to them. I know I usually do during the holiday season. Something comes over me to give to people I don't even know. To be a true blessing to someone out of love hoping nothing in return.
One detail I will share I wish in my own life I would have a more open and giving spirit about me! Today was the first day I think I actually invited my sister to dinner in all the years we have lived together in Gillette. How sad is that! It's taken me all this time to have an open heart to having my own family into my home for dinner! Sure I have fed her here but actually invite her and make her feel at home yep first time, brings tears to my eyes to see how shut off I have been. Unfortunately she won't be able to come she has to work. Sometimes I wonder where is my focus, what am I thinking, what am I doing? I shut out my loved ones not even realizing it! Has there been a button turned off in my brain or is it on my heart? I am truly sorry that it's taken me so long to realize this. Sure I could make excuses and say I have been busy and unorganized with kids but does that really count. NO to me it's not enough. I literally have not been open to blessing those who are closest to me! I hope that changes for good and it's not a temporary thing during this Christmas season.
So tonight we will be having crock pot roasted chicken and I am sure it won't be a blessed without having my sister over but I know now that the invitation to my sister will be open all the time!
Blessings I could go on and on about the blessings we have received lately but not only that I can just think of the daily blessings. A home; a beautiful home with nice things, heat, electric, a full pantry, fridge, freezer, my families needs are all met, the ability to stay at home, to be a stay at home/homeschooling mom, an amazing husband who provides so well for us, the love that we share, an amazing mom who will help abundantly, AMAZING "in-laws"(who can truly say that and mean it, ME), my sisters whom I love very much, a blessed church family, two vehicles that run very good, the ability to put gas in them, true friendships that don't end, and so many many more things! These are the big basic things I can thank God for everyday. God is faithful to me and my family everyday. On a rough day where things may not be going completely my way or we get bad news it may be hard to see the blessings but we must see the blessings everyday!
I challenge you to think of your blessings make a list if you have to. If you praise God you won't complain to God! Be blessed my friends and loved ones!
I felt the need to write today and as I was thinking I thought what could I possibly have to share. Well to be honest there is plenty but to save you time and spare you all the details I will keep this on point.
So blessings must be counted....As I ponder on this fact think about it yourself what are your blessings. You know with Christmas just around the corner it is easy to think of all the things we would like or like to be able to give. Christmas has become a holiday of giving and receiving which I guess is fine but what about everyday things. What if we made everyday like Christmas were just around the corner. What if every day we showed true CHRISTian character just out of the love that we have because of the Holy Spirit. Have you ever tipped a Wendy's employee a few extra dollars through the drive thru because you wanted to be more of a blessing to them. I know I usually do during the holiday season. Something comes over me to give to people I don't even know. To be a true blessing to someone out of love hoping nothing in return.
One detail I will share I wish in my own life I would have a more open and giving spirit about me! Today was the first day I think I actually invited my sister to dinner in all the years we have lived together in Gillette. How sad is that! It's taken me all this time to have an open heart to having my own family into my home for dinner! Sure I have fed her here but actually invite her and make her feel at home yep first time, brings tears to my eyes to see how shut off I have been. Unfortunately she won't be able to come she has to work. Sometimes I wonder where is my focus, what am I thinking, what am I doing? I shut out my loved ones not even realizing it! Has there been a button turned off in my brain or is it on my heart? I am truly sorry that it's taken me so long to realize this. Sure I could make excuses and say I have been busy and unorganized with kids but does that really count. NO to me it's not enough. I literally have not been open to blessing those who are closest to me! I hope that changes for good and it's not a temporary thing during this Christmas season.
So tonight we will be having crock pot roasted chicken and I am sure it won't be a blessed without having my sister over but I know now that the invitation to my sister will be open all the time!
Blessings I could go on and on about the blessings we have received lately but not only that I can just think of the daily blessings. A home; a beautiful home with nice things, heat, electric, a full pantry, fridge, freezer, my families needs are all met, the ability to stay at home, to be a stay at home/homeschooling mom, an amazing husband who provides so well for us, the love that we share, an amazing mom who will help abundantly, AMAZING "in-laws"(who can truly say that and mean it, ME), my sisters whom I love very much, a blessed church family, two vehicles that run very good, the ability to put gas in them, true friendships that don't end, and so many many more things! These are the big basic things I can thank God for everyday. God is faithful to me and my family everyday. On a rough day where things may not be going completely my way or we get bad news it may be hard to see the blessings but we must see the blessings everyday!
I challenge you to think of your blessings make a list if you have to. If you praise God you won't complain to God! Be blessed my friends and loved ones!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Tomorrow is a new day
Nights like tonight I wonder why? I know every mom has been here asking herself why was I even given two kids to raise I can't handle them! That was my night for sure! Literally everything for the past 2 to 3 hours anything that could go wrong with them went wrong. Faith kicking Justice in the face, neither of them eating their dinner well, then down from dinner (plates still not near eaten), then jumping off the walls, Justice rips a page out of a brand new library book, Mom loses it, then ice the cake Faith does something to Justice to make her lips start bleeding! Even though it is only 8 o'clock on the dot I say enough is enough and to bed they go! Craziness right! Insanity right! Enough to make you want to pull your hair out right!
Well this is the stuff we laugh at in the movies but when you are going thru it in real life you say oh my I am out of my mind!!! We had such a blessed day yesterday and the first majority of today was a really good day! It was just tonight that was insane! I am sitting here racking my brain as I write this...is there something I could have done to stop this all from heading into a tale spin? They both were disciplined when it was apparent they were being naughty. A complete and utter tale spin it went completely out of control in a matter of minutes it seemed. Now looking back it was escalating but come on I mean this many events in just one night! Times like this I wish I could say is this really normal!? It can't be....times like this I am ready to hit up a chat forum with mothers just to get some wisdom and advice! Nights like tonight make me wonder is it me or is it the kids that are really causing all this? Parenting is so tough, you never know when you are right. You just hope you are and pray for the rest! Literally I had to get those girls into bed tonight for my sanity, the health of my baby, and their own safety! I mean before I knew it Justice is bleeding because of whatever happen in their room! Not to mention if this mom had to deal with one more crisis situation I would have lost it!
I have no idea why I am even sharing this post but hopefully it does some good! I know tomorrow is a new day and it will Lord willing be a better day! I sure hope so it is Sunday after all! A day where we are able to go to church and worship God. It would be wonderful if Faith's or Justice's heart was convicted tomorrow over disobedience. I guess that is what I will pray for tonight and that God also would give me some wisdom or encouragement tomorrow! Tomorrow is a new day so tonight I must sleep well and rise to meet my Lord in the morning with a fresh start! Praise the Lord His mercies are renewed each morning!
Well this is the stuff we laugh at in the movies but when you are going thru it in real life you say oh my I am out of my mind!!! We had such a blessed day yesterday and the first majority of today was a really good day! It was just tonight that was insane! I am sitting here racking my brain as I write this...is there something I could have done to stop this all from heading into a tale spin? They both were disciplined when it was apparent they were being naughty. A complete and utter tale spin it went completely out of control in a matter of minutes it seemed. Now looking back it was escalating but come on I mean this many events in just one night! Times like this I wish I could say is this really normal!? It can't be....times like this I am ready to hit up a chat forum with mothers just to get some wisdom and advice! Nights like tonight make me wonder is it me or is it the kids that are really causing all this? Parenting is so tough, you never know when you are right. You just hope you are and pray for the rest! Literally I had to get those girls into bed tonight for my sanity, the health of my baby, and their own safety! I mean before I knew it Justice is bleeding because of whatever happen in their room! Not to mention if this mom had to deal with one more crisis situation I would have lost it!
I have no idea why I am even sharing this post but hopefully it does some good! I know tomorrow is a new day and it will Lord willing be a better day! I sure hope so it is Sunday after all! A day where we are able to go to church and worship God. It would be wonderful if Faith's or Justice's heart was convicted tomorrow over disobedience. I guess that is what I will pray for tonight and that God also would give me some wisdom or encouragement tomorrow! Tomorrow is a new day so tonight I must sleep well and rise to meet my Lord in the morning with a fresh start! Praise the Lord His mercies are renewed each morning!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Living in the grace Jesus
I am so glad that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. We as Christians have one stability in our lives even if everything else seems to be shaking! Recently our family has been dealing with some rough issues! Not from within but from without, things we seem to not really have any control over. When you have no control Who do you finally let go and give it to? The Lord! The Lord has told me to keep my mouth shut concerning the issues we are dealing with and I am but I just wanted to publicly praise Him for his grace! God's grace is amazing! When you think how earthly minded we as Christians can be I think we completely forget about the grace that God Himself has dealt to us! A grace that really is unmeasurable! We can't even understand it's depths or heights! I praise God that He sees our heart and not just our outward appearance. That He knows our real drive behind what we are striving for in our lives and He is the only one who can really judge that and know the truth concerning it! I praise the Lord for guiding our home in the direction it's going even when it's a difficult time! I will continue to praise Him whatever comes our way! God is worthy of praise! My God not only supplies my physical needs but oh the love that he shows when He provides for the spiritual needs thru His word and time of fellowship with me! God has shown Himself faithful in our lives and has always blessed us even when we could not see it at the time! My God will protect us with His mighty shield during this time of troubles! He will guard us from the snares of the devil and his armies! He will defeat our foes! He will triumph threw victoriously to show Himself might and strong! To show His grace and love towards His children whom He will protect! I have a mighty mighty God and He is on my side!
Thank you Jesus for knowing my heart and knowing my concerns in life. But Lord thank you most for caring for every detail of my life and guiding it every step! Lord I cannot praise you enough for your provision over the spiritual needs you have met! Lord the way your voice is so clear in your word and in my devotions with you! Lord God I cannot imagine living a life where you have not guided every facet of it! Your guidance has led us in the way we ought to go and with you guiding hand we will continue on in what you have put before us! Thank you Jesus for all that you are and all that you do! AMEN
Thank you Jesus for knowing my heart and knowing my concerns in life. But Lord thank you most for caring for every detail of my life and guiding it every step! Lord I cannot praise you enough for your provision over the spiritual needs you have met! Lord the way your voice is so clear in your word and in my devotions with you! Lord God I cannot imagine living a life where you have not guided every facet of it! Your guidance has led us in the way we ought to go and with you guiding hand we will continue on in what you have put before us! Thank you Jesus for all that you are and all that you do! AMEN
Monday, August 15, 2011
Most important
We all have areas where we come short maybe even fail at them. Realizing we will never be perfect is essential in life. I am not saying we don't strive to be our best in the areas the Lord puts on our heart. Putting things in perspective is so important otherwise life becomes so frustrating! We feel as tho we are always spinning our wheels and never getting anywhere! But are you just really spinning your wheels or is it that God has you exactly where you are at this place and time in life. Nothing takes God by surprise in our life not even the upsets that we experience. God knows just what we need in life to shape us into the person He would have us to be. So we struggle through life trying to make sense of it all. Most of the time thinking that change will be the answer to our problems. God doesn't work like that all the time. Sometimes God wants us to simply seek Him. To look to His Word and have personal prayer time! To take the time out of a busy day and listen to some solid preaching! Some preaching with some meat (the kind of preaching that doesn't just stir you, the kind that changes something in you for life). This is the change that God desires for us. Not that of a earthly thing like a job change, better financial freedom through making more money, a new home, a new puppy or pet, a concert to go to, and you name it the list goes on and on of ways we try to make our own changes in life. To feel as tho we have attained to a different level of peace and freedom from the daunting tasks of life. There will always be the daunting task of life that we have to face day to day but what is most important is Who we face those challenges with! Are you facing your everyday life without the help of Jesus. I know I can say there is definitely times in life when I do. Life is so much more difficult without the Lord. My husband and I were discussing situations last night and we both came to the conclusion that there will be areas we fall short in or may even feel as tho we have failed in. The example I have seen today in my husband is that if you seek the Lord what else really matters!?! My husband and I will both have areas we will fall short in but what matters most is....will we on God to help us through. Will we TRUST the Lord to get us through. Will we seek His face. Will we continue to be soft towards God and able to mold. Will we trust His perfect will. My prayer is that we continue to seek the Lord and not let life get us down! God is bigger than any situation we will ever face!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
A New Birth
We have been enjoying Vacation Bible School this week at our church and it has been such a blessing the teaching and preaching has been amazing! The Holy Spirit has shown up and done a great work in the hearts of the children. I have counseled with two girls so far and one was still a bit unsure so I showed her some verses and prayed with her for understanding and then the other girl shared with me that her cousin (who was just saved a little before or at camp) led her to the Lord three or four days prior to going to VBS. What a blessing to see the witness of a child! I shared some scripture with her about assurance of salvation and she went on her way with peace again. So God has been so good!
Well last night I had went back to counsel with that girl and didn't see that Faith had raised her hand! No one took her back to talk to her because they thought that she was too young to understand. I have had her on my heart a lot before this week almost a crazy amount! Myself and Scott have been praying extra for her this week. So Scott had seen she raised her hand and asked her why. She said she didn't know why and again I prayed Lord give her understanding! As we got settled into the car to go home Faith said "Mom Do I have to go to hell?" I said "I don't know Faith do you?" She said "I think so." I said "Why would you have to go to hell Faith?" She said "Because I sin." I stopped her there and I said "Honey we will have a talk when we get home with Daddy." When we pulled into the garage at home I said "Alright lets go in and get ready for bed" Faith said "I need to have my talk with Daddy." Thankfully we had friends over here to help with Justice and Scott and I both were able to go in with her to talk to her. Scott talked with her I stayed quiet and just witnessed. I observed her coming to the understanding that if she asked Jesus to save her she would go to Heaven and not to Hell. More than anything she realized that her sin made it so she couldn't go to Heaven without Jesus! Praise the Lord my little 5 year old bowed her head and folded her hands sat still and asked the Lord to save her. The neat thing is while we were talking to her Scott and I both actually saw the moment she believed in her heart. Her whole sense of being changed she had been quite busy before we got near the end of talking to her and then the moment she believed she literally lit up and was so full of joy! True joy the only kind that can come from the Lord. Scott and I both talked about it and we both agreed that we could tell when she believed in her heart. Amazing truly amazing, best feeling in the world! Before I knew Faith would go to heaven because she wasn't completely understanding now I know that my little girl Faith Pearl Clem is a "Blood bought child of the King"!!! Believe me there is a difference in the heart of a parent! I am Praising the Lord that Faith came to the understanding of trusting Jesus to save her!
Well last night I had went back to counsel with that girl and didn't see that Faith had raised her hand! No one took her back to talk to her because they thought that she was too young to understand. I have had her on my heart a lot before this week almost a crazy amount! Myself and Scott have been praying extra for her this week. So Scott had seen she raised her hand and asked her why. She said she didn't know why and again I prayed Lord give her understanding! As we got settled into the car to go home Faith said "Mom Do I have to go to hell?" I said "I don't know Faith do you?" She said "I think so." I said "Why would you have to go to hell Faith?" She said "Because I sin." I stopped her there and I said "Honey we will have a talk when we get home with Daddy." When we pulled into the garage at home I said "Alright lets go in and get ready for bed" Faith said "I need to have my talk with Daddy." Thankfully we had friends over here to help with Justice and Scott and I both were able to go in with her to talk to her. Scott talked with her I stayed quiet and just witnessed. I observed her coming to the understanding that if she asked Jesus to save her she would go to Heaven and not to Hell. More than anything she realized that her sin made it so she couldn't go to Heaven without Jesus! Praise the Lord my little 5 year old bowed her head and folded her hands sat still and asked the Lord to save her. The neat thing is while we were talking to her Scott and I both actually saw the moment she believed in her heart. Her whole sense of being changed she had been quite busy before we got near the end of talking to her and then the moment she believed she literally lit up and was so full of joy! True joy the only kind that can come from the Lord. Scott and I both talked about it and we both agreed that we could tell when she believed in her heart. Amazing truly amazing, best feeling in the world! Before I knew Faith would go to heaven because she wasn't completely understanding now I know that my little girl Faith Pearl Clem is a "Blood bought child of the King"!!! Believe me there is a difference in the heart of a parent! I am Praising the Lord that Faith came to the understanding of trusting Jesus to save her!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
I love the way you hold me~Lord
I have come across a song that gives me so much comfort lately and it also keeps my spirit up knowing the Lord is always holding me. Right now I know He is holding me up some days!!! This song makes me cry, it makes me smile, and it makes me dance! I truely love this song. I love that my Lord knows what I need at any given moment! He knows exactly what we need in life to get by and I love that He shows Himself in the perfect time when I feel I am at my end. He says come back to me and says let me hold you. There is a time and season for everything and I truely know the Lord wants me to feel Him more than ever now. Thank you Lord for all that you are able to provide to me that I cannot provide myself with. Here is a link for the song if you wish to listen :)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJKU3JSNxgY&feature=related acoustic personally like this one better.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISgr8SgCYbY&NR=1 with Toby Mac the version on the radio.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJKU3JSNxgY&feature=related acoustic personally like this one better.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISgr8SgCYbY&NR=1 with Toby Mac the version on the radio.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
He is worthy of Praise!!!
I just have to share how GREAT God was to me today. As I reflected on my day today today I just became overwhelmed with thankfulness to the Lord for blessing my day the way that He did!!! First I woke up to a semi clean home. Kitchen in order so I was able to make my girls a favorite breakfast item toast and homemade jam. (Not made by me I am not that domestic yet although I plan on trying this summer) I was able to make my husbands coffee and allow him to sleep in which he never does! I enjoy him getting extra rest because I know he needs it. I was able to get the kitchen all cleaned up and pour him his coffee before I left for work.
I was trying to be as positive about work as possible because I was really not looking forward to cleaning for 5 and 1/2 hours. I promised myself that I would come home for lunch today so it wouldn't feel so painful haha! As I was working I was able to listen to christian music on the surround home stereo system which always makes it nicer to clean! The first half went by very fast which was wonderful because I was off to have lunch at home with my family :)
I came home and the girls were still up and not down for their nap yet so we all ate some good old hot dogs and chips and as I was getting ready to leave I had to go outside for a minute. We use our front door very little so I was very surprised to find and aluminum cover plate and a card with my name on it :) An amazing card left from a friend and a huge plate of chocolate chip cookies!!! YUMMY! After taking a few cookies I had to be on my way to work.
I stopped at a gas station on the way to grab a pop. While I was there a lady was paying all in change. Unlike most people I was unusually patient with it which even surprised me. As the lady was getting close to finishing counting her $8 of change. My heart got softened towards her situation so I put back one of my pops because they were on a special it was a really good deal to buy two instead of one. I figured I would have one extra dollar to give her. So as the lady was finished I tapped her shoulder and said here ya go and gave her 1 dollar. I know I was thinking the same thing really Chelsie only one dollar but I knew God could use that one dollar. I really thought I only had 3 dollars in my hand after she left I checked and had 3dollars still after giving her 1 dollar. I was able to get the deal on the pop. As I finished up I looked outside to the big ole boat of a van she was driving. I went to her and asked her if I offended her and assured her if I had more to give I truly would. She was still very thankful for the dollar. I told her to just keep pressing forward because from personal experience I know things always Always get easier! It may take time but it will get easier. She gave me a warm smile said thank you and I was on my way. My heart overflowing because for the first time in weeks I was able to be an encouragement to someone else! I needed that as much as she did.
So I went back to work and finished up. I was on my way back home still thinking about the lady and was able to praise the Lord that that morning I was able to fill up my gas tank to full and not worry because Scott had just got paid. Our van was completely empty but I didn't even have to worry one bit about filling it up.
I got home and the house was calm and still tidy thanks to Scott. We knew we had a lot to do that night as we needed to plant our garden and still eat dinner. So we got the chicken ready for Scott to grill and I finished the rest of the meal with sides. We were able to eat and get down to the garden and start working on it before the meeting. We hadn't been able to plant because the rain had been so much a any day we had wanted to think about it the night before had been a down pour. So we got a lot done before the meeting but still had a lot of it to do. After the meeting our plot advisor got our group together and told them they were going to help with our concrete jungle is what she called it. I thought that was cute. Before I knew it they were all on there way and they were breaking up the dirt and putting seeds in the ground. My job was to tell them where to put the seeds and label stakes for the ground so we knew what was where. We were finished in no time. We had amazing advice on what to plant where to plant it and how it would grow. Since we have never done this it was amazing to get the help. After we were finished my plot advisor walked up to me and said someone wanted to give you this so you can buy your tomato and pepper plants. Wouldn't you know it $20!!!
See what God does. I gave just a little bit and the Lord provided for our garden in the form of labor and help and money even; for more crops for a later result of more food! How Great is our God. I just had to share the blessing of seeing God's hand in my whole day. I hope it is a blessing to you and that the Lord will show Himself in your life today! God bless!!!
I was trying to be as positive about work as possible because I was really not looking forward to cleaning for 5 and 1/2 hours. I promised myself that I would come home for lunch today so it wouldn't feel so painful haha! As I was working I was able to listen to christian music on the surround home stereo system which always makes it nicer to clean! The first half went by very fast which was wonderful because I was off to have lunch at home with my family :)
I came home and the girls were still up and not down for their nap yet so we all ate some good old hot dogs and chips and as I was getting ready to leave I had to go outside for a minute. We use our front door very little so I was very surprised to find and aluminum cover plate and a card with my name on it :) An amazing card left from a friend and a huge plate of chocolate chip cookies!!! YUMMY! After taking a few cookies I had to be on my way to work.
I stopped at a gas station on the way to grab a pop. While I was there a lady was paying all in change. Unlike most people I was unusually patient with it which even surprised me. As the lady was getting close to finishing counting her $8 of change. My heart got softened towards her situation so I put back one of my pops because they were on a special it was a really good deal to buy two instead of one. I figured I would have one extra dollar to give her. So as the lady was finished I tapped her shoulder and said here ya go and gave her 1 dollar. I know I was thinking the same thing really Chelsie only one dollar but I knew God could use that one dollar. I really thought I only had 3 dollars in my hand after she left I checked and had 3dollars still after giving her 1 dollar. I was able to get the deal on the pop. As I finished up I looked outside to the big ole boat of a van she was driving. I went to her and asked her if I offended her and assured her if I had more to give I truly would. She was still very thankful for the dollar. I told her to just keep pressing forward because from personal experience I know things always Always get easier! It may take time but it will get easier. She gave me a warm smile said thank you and I was on my way. My heart overflowing because for the first time in weeks I was able to be an encouragement to someone else! I needed that as much as she did.
So I went back to work and finished up. I was on my way back home still thinking about the lady and was able to praise the Lord that that morning I was able to fill up my gas tank to full and not worry because Scott had just got paid. Our van was completely empty but I didn't even have to worry one bit about filling it up.
I got home and the house was calm and still tidy thanks to Scott. We knew we had a lot to do that night as we needed to plant our garden and still eat dinner. So we got the chicken ready for Scott to grill and I finished the rest of the meal with sides. We were able to eat and get down to the garden and start working on it before the meeting. We hadn't been able to plant because the rain had been so much a any day we had wanted to think about it the night before had been a down pour. So we got a lot done before the meeting but still had a lot of it to do. After the meeting our plot advisor got our group together and told them they were going to help with our concrete jungle is what she called it. I thought that was cute. Before I knew it they were all on there way and they were breaking up the dirt and putting seeds in the ground. My job was to tell them where to put the seeds and label stakes for the ground so we knew what was where. We were finished in no time. We had amazing advice on what to plant where to plant it and how it would grow. Since we have never done this it was amazing to get the help. After we were finished my plot advisor walked up to me and said someone wanted to give you this so you can buy your tomato and pepper plants. Wouldn't you know it $20!!!
See what God does. I gave just a little bit and the Lord provided for our garden in the form of labor and help and money even; for more crops for a later result of more food! How Great is our God. I just had to share the blessing of seeing God's hand in my whole day. I hope it is a blessing to you and that the Lord will show Himself in your life today! God bless!!!
Friday, April 22, 2011
Why the Resurrection?
Easter is fastly approaching. Kids are on spring break, easter egg hunts are being organized, parents are scrambling to put together easter baskets, and many folks are making plans for get togethers or easter dinner. But why do we celebrate this holiday? Easter is actually an ancient holiday, at least 2000 years old, and was originally celebrated at the time of the Jew's passover feast. Easter was known as a celebration of spring and fertility, hence the easter bunny. But today, it now more commonly known to be a celebration of Jesus rising from the dead. But what is so special about Jesus Christ's resurrection? Certainly it is significant. People just don't raise from the dead.
I Corinthians 15:1-8 tells us that the gospel is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The word gospel simply means good news. So what is this good news? In the text to follow, I want to briefly share with you five facts straight out of the Bible, and explain why the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most significant event that has ever been accomplished for mankind (Bible Fact #3). It really is good news!
Bible Fact #1: We are all sinners (Romans 3:10, 23):
Only a fool will tell you he's not a sinner. There is universal agreement that all of us, at some point in are lives, have sinned. We may have disobeyed our parents, or lied, or taken something that did not belong to us (even if it was small or worthless). Our sin displeases God. The smell of our sin stinks in his nostrils, and the Bible declares that no sinner will be allowed in God's presence in heaven. Our sin keeps us from God. There is no way to get rid of the sin ourselves. Try as we might to remedy our errors, there is no way to take back sins. We try to make up for it our sins by doing good works and doing religious things, but the Bible declares that good works and religion won't take away our sins.
Bible Fact #2: God will Judge our sin:
The Bible states in Romans 6:23 that "the wages of sin is death..." God will one day judge our lives and, as a just God, he must punish those that sin.
God cares about you and loves you so much that he decided to do something about your sins. I Corinthians 5:21 states, "For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him." Instead of you standing before the great and terrible Judge, Jesus stepped in your place. He took all of your sins, past, present and future, and was judged of God Almighty. He sacrificed himself for you. He came to this earth not to condemn you, but that He might be condemned for you! He took your conviction, your sentence and your punishment so you wouldn't have to. He paid it all. Not only did he pay for your sins, he gave you his righteousness, so when God would look at you, he wouldn't see a sinner, but the righteousness of his Son Jesus.
So why the resurrection? When you go to the store to buy something they give you a receipt with your purchase as evidence that you paid for your stuff. The Bible teaches us that the resurrection of Christ is like a receipt. It is the evidence that Christ paid for our sins! His victory over the grave also revealed that death was a defeated foe. Though we may die, those in Christ will one day be reunited with their resurrected, glorified bodies, and those who are alive at Christ's coming will never taste death. Without the resurrection, we would be without hope, and Jesus' claims that he was the Son of God would have been nothing more than a claim without any evidence.
So how does a person receive Christ? The Bible says that we receive Christ by putting our complete trust in what Jesus did for us on the cross and simply ask him to save us, believing that he will.
Romans 10:9,13, "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved... For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Are you trusting in Jesus alone for your salvation, or are you trusting in some of your own good works or religious observances?
Don't be like this person:
Romans 10:3, "For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselved unto the righteousness of God."
Choose to trust that God will save you by simply trusting in him and believing that he alone can save you:
John 3:36, "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him."
John 6:47, "Verily, Verily I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life."
I John 5:12-13, "He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.
These things have I written unto you that believe in the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life...
The resurrection of Jesus Christ was for you dear reader! So what have you done with Jesus?
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The Bible tells us that Jesus rose from the grave on the first day of the week, three days after his death and burial (John chapter 20). Why is this important? |
I Corinthians 15:1-8 tells us that the gospel is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The word gospel simply means good news. So what is this good news? In the text to follow, I want to briefly share with you five facts straight out of the Bible, and explain why the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most significant event that has ever been accomplished for mankind (Bible Fact #3). It really is good news!
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The Bible declares that no sinner will be allowed in God's presence in heaven. Our sin keeps us from God. |
Only a fool will tell you he's not a sinner. There is universal agreement that all of us, at some point in are lives, have sinned. We may have disobeyed our parents, or lied, or taken something that did not belong to us (even if it was small or worthless). Our sin displeases God. The smell of our sin stinks in his nostrils, and the Bible declares that no sinner will be allowed in God's presence in heaven. Our sin keeps us from God. There is no way to get rid of the sin ourselves. Try as we might to remedy our errors, there is no way to take back sins. We try to make up for it our sins by doing good works and doing religious things, but the Bible declares that good works and religion won't take away our sins.
Bible Fact #2: God will Judge our sin:
The Bible states in Romans 6:23 that "the wages of sin is death..." God will one day judge our lives and, as a just God, he must punish those that sin.
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God's love will never violate his justice. That would make him unjust. The Bible states all who sin will be convicted and the sentence is eternal damnation in a place called hell. |
Imagine for a moment that you robbed a bank. A few days later, after spending some of the loot, you feel bad and go back to the bank. You return the rest of the money to the bank owner along with some "IOU's". You tell the owner your really sorry and to make it up to him you'll clean the bank everyday, without charge, for however long it takes to pay off what you spent and the trouble you've caused him. Without question you'de still be arrested. You would be charged with robbery and appear before a judge. Even though you're really sorry and you've done many good things to make up and cover what you've done, the judge would still rightfully judge you and convict you of robbery and sentence you with prison time. God is the Righteous Judge. There is no error in his judgement. His justice is perfect and he will judge our sin. Though he loves us, our sentence will not be any lighter. He will not let us off with a warning or probation. God's love will never violate his justice. Anything less would make God unjust. The Bible states all who sin will be convicted and the sentence is eternal damnation in a place called hell. This includes you and me. It's not at all what you might think. You will burn forever. There will be no light. There will be no parties or keggers in hell. You will burn, but will not be consumed, and you will remain forever apart from the presence of God.
Bible Fact #3: God judged Jesus on our behalf:
Bible Fact #3: God judged Jesus on our behalf:
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Jesus paid it all. Instead of you standing before the great and terrible Judge, Jesus stepped in your place. He took all of your sins, past, present and future, and was judged of God Almighty. |
God cares about you and loves you so much that he decided to do something about your sins. I Corinthians 5:21 states, "For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him." Instead of you standing before the great and terrible Judge, Jesus stepped in your place. He took all of your sins, past, present and future, and was judged of God Almighty. He sacrificed himself for you. He came to this earth not to condemn you, but that He might be condemned for you! He took your conviction, your sentence and your punishment so you wouldn't have to. He paid it all. Not only did he pay for your sins, he gave you his righteousness, so when God would look at you, he wouldn't see a sinner, but the righteousness of his Son Jesus.
So why the resurrection? When you go to the store to buy something they give you a receipt with your purchase as evidence that you paid for your stuff. The Bible teaches us that the resurrection of Christ is like a receipt. It is the evidence that Christ paid for our sins! His victory over the grave also revealed that death was a defeated foe. Though we may die, those in Christ will one day be reunited with their resurrected, glorified bodies, and those who are alive at Christ's coming will never taste death. Without the resurrection, we would be without hope, and Jesus' claims that he was the Son of God would have been nothing more than a claim without any evidence.
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God desires to give you eternal life. He holds the gift out to you, but in order for you to gain possession, you must reach out and receive it. |
Bible Fact #4: Eternal life is a gift we must choose to receive:
Jesus did for us what we couldn't do: he made a way for us to go to heaven. He did this by sacrificing himself. Romans 6:23 states, "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Eternal life is a gift to be received. God wants you love him and receive the gift he offers you, but he will not force himself upon you. God desires to give you eternal life. He holds the gift out to you, but in order for you to gain possession, you must reach out and receive it. This is why the John 1:12 says, "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name."
Jesus did for us what we couldn't do: he made a way for us to go to heaven. He did this by sacrificing himself. Romans 6:23 states, "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Eternal life is a gift to be received. God wants you love him and receive the gift he offers you, but he will not force himself upon you. God desires to give you eternal life. He holds the gift out to you, but in order for you to gain possession, you must reach out and receive it. This is why the John 1:12 says, "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name."
Bible Fact #5: We receive Jesus Christ and eternal life by faith:
How do you receive Jesus? Religion will tell you that in order to receive Christ you have to be baptized, or you have to join the church, or you have to take communion, or you have to go through a religious class, or you have to get confirmed, or you have to believe and then do some or all of these things. But the Bible says something different. Would you make someone work for a gift? Of course not, and neither does God. Ephesians 2:8-9 states, "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." We don't receive Jesus by doing good works, even religious works like baptism or communion. Romans 4:5 says, "But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness." Faith is simply believing what God has said. This type of belief is not just knowing about God. This type of believe is an unwavering, unmoveable trust seated in your heart.
How do you receive Jesus? Religion will tell you that in order to receive Christ you have to be baptized, or you have to join the church, or you have to take communion, or you have to go through a religious class, or you have to get confirmed, or you have to believe and then do some or all of these things. But the Bible says something different. Would you make someone work for a gift? Of course not, and neither does God. Ephesians 2:8-9 states, "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." We don't receive Jesus by doing good works, even religious works like baptism or communion. Romans 4:5 says, "But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness." Faith is simply believing what God has said. This type of belief is not just knowing about God. This type of believe is an unwavering, unmoveable trust seated in your heart.
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We don't receive Jesus by doing good works, even religious works like baptism or communion. The Bible says that we receive Christ by putting our complete trust in what Jesus did for us on the cross and simply ask him to save us, believing that he will. |
So how does a person receive Christ? The Bible says that we receive Christ by putting our complete trust in what Jesus did for us on the cross and simply ask him to save us, believing that he will.
Romans 10:9,13, "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved... For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Are you trusting in Jesus alone for your salvation, or are you trusting in some of your own good works or religious observances?
Don't be like this person:
Romans 10:3, "For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselved unto the righteousness of God."
Choose to trust that God will save you by simply trusting in him and believing that he alone can save you:
John 3:36, "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him."
John 6:47, "Verily, Verily I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life."
I John 5:12-13, "He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.
These things have I written unto you that believe in the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life...
The resurrection of Jesus Christ was for you dear reader! So what have you done with Jesus?
Friday, April 15, 2011
~With Jesus~
It's been 12 hours since I heard the news of my pastor going home to be with his Lord. What a bitter but ohh soo sweet feeling. Of course I am sad knowing I will not see him here again, but oh my he is with JESUS!!!
I can only TRY to imagine what an amazing amazing time he is having! Oh to feel the welcoming arms of our Saviour! To hear His tender voice say those words "Well done tho good and faithful servant". To bow in humble adoration at Jesus' feet and praise Him for His sacrifice! To see His feet and remember the cross He endured for us. To feel love like never ever before! To be completely humbled by His almighty presence! To have an overwhelming peace that floods over your spirit. Awe bowing in awe of Who God really is!!! I haven't even scratched the surface. To witness with your eyes the glorious heaven made by almighty God Himself! It in my mind: the love of God alone will be so amazing we won't even see the glorious details of heaven until we have observed that love fully!
As I write all these images of what I think of God the Father and Jesus I can't help but feel the love of Christ overwhelm me. To think one day I will experience heaven's glory! I will see my Saviour face to face! I will walk and talk with Him! How amazing to think of the Saviours love! Not only did He die for us all He made heaven to spend eternity with us. To share His presence with us! Oh how sweet the Saviour is....my dear friend if you cannot say you know this love of the Saviour; if you have never experience a relationship with Jesus. I plead with you to know this love! To know that heaven is your resting place! The time is now to settle your doubts, your fears, or your indecisiveness.
The bible clearly states the way to get to heaven. "John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." Jesus is the way to heaven! We have nothing within ourselves to get to heaven to be with Jesus. "Romans 3:23 For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." No man is without sin and therefore cannot be good enough for the glory of God. Good news though "Romans 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." God gives us hope in this verse He says I sent the Saviour for you to be forgiven of all your sins. "Romans 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." If you trust and believe in your heart that the Lord Jesus Christ died for your sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day to conquer death and all sin. Call upon Jesus, acknowledge you are a sinner and repent of your sin, and ask Jesus to save you. He will save you! All you have to do is believe and ask. Read the above verse again Romans 10:13. Have you ever called out to the Lord and asked to be saved? Today is the day of salvation for you dear friend! Jesus will save you!
I can only TRY to imagine what an amazing amazing time he is having! Oh to feel the welcoming arms of our Saviour! To hear His tender voice say those words "Well done tho good and faithful servant". To bow in humble adoration at Jesus' feet and praise Him for His sacrifice! To see His feet and remember the cross He endured for us. To feel love like never ever before! To be completely humbled by His almighty presence! To have an overwhelming peace that floods over your spirit. Awe bowing in awe of Who God really is!!! I haven't even scratched the surface. To witness with your eyes the glorious heaven made by almighty God Himself! It in my mind: the love of God alone will be so amazing we won't even see the glorious details of heaven until we have observed that love fully!
As I write all these images of what I think of God the Father and Jesus I can't help but feel the love of Christ overwhelm me. To think one day I will experience heaven's glory! I will see my Saviour face to face! I will walk and talk with Him! How amazing to think of the Saviours love! Not only did He die for us all He made heaven to spend eternity with us. To share His presence with us! Oh how sweet the Saviour is....my dear friend if you cannot say you know this love of the Saviour; if you have never experience a relationship with Jesus. I plead with you to know this love! To know that heaven is your resting place! The time is now to settle your doubts, your fears, or your indecisiveness.
The bible clearly states the way to get to heaven. "John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." Jesus is the way to heaven! We have nothing within ourselves to get to heaven to be with Jesus. "Romans 3:23 For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." No man is without sin and therefore cannot be good enough for the glory of God. Good news though "Romans 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." God gives us hope in this verse He says I sent the Saviour for you to be forgiven of all your sins. "Romans 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." If you trust and believe in your heart that the Lord Jesus Christ died for your sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day to conquer death and all sin. Call upon Jesus, acknowledge you are a sinner and repent of your sin, and ask Jesus to save you. He will save you! All you have to do is believe and ask. Read the above verse again Romans 10:13. Have you ever called out to the Lord and asked to be saved? Today is the day of salvation for you dear friend! Jesus will save you!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
God blesses all the time
Pastor Bode's daughter shared with us last night that the day would be soon approaching and that her father would be passing on into eternity. Of course we are all grieved by the thought of our soon approaching loss but God is so faithful. This morning during both of my short devotionals I check online God was so good to give me the words from the Bible that are perfectly fitting for what is going on. The one you can check out at www.odb.org talks about the "breath of life." From our first breath to our last, we are in God’s care.
God holds our future in His hands
And gives us every breath;
Just knowing that He’s by our side
Allays our fear of death. —Sper
There was also some amazing scripture on there too I will share those verses here too.
Rev. 14:13 And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed [are] the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.
Ps 116:15
15 Precious in the sight of the LORD [is] the death of his saints.
How precious is God's word is during this trying time! I will also share another link I thought of it more for what my church will be going thru in the months to come and it gave me great comfort. The link is as follows: http://kjvdevos.blogspot.com/2011/04/414-devotions-in-exodus.html here is an excerpt:
Exodus 1 Afflictions
“But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew. And they were grieved because of the children of Israel.” (v. 12)
I pray you check out these links and they bless you in some way. God Bless you this Thursday :)
God holds our future in His hands
And gives us every breath;
Just knowing that He’s by our side
Allays our fear of death. —Sper
There was also some amazing scripture on there too I will share those verses here too.
Rev. 14:13 And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed [are] the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.
Ps 116:15
15 Precious in the sight of the LORD [is] the death of his saints.
How precious is God's word is during this trying time! I will also share another link I thought of it more for what my church will be going thru in the months to come and it gave me great comfort. The link is as follows: http://kjvdevos.blogspot.com/2011/04/414-devotions-in-exodus.html here is an excerpt:
Exodus 1 Afflictions
“But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew. And they were grieved because of the children of Israel.” (v. 12)
I pray you check out these links and they bless you in some way. God Bless you this Thursday :)
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
To be Christ-like....for young moms.
So this well not so morning anymore I am burdened. I have been struggling with quite a few of my duties as a wife and mother. The drive to get the things done I need to get done is just not there.
I desire to keep a clean home, prepare meals for my home, to raise my children in a calm environment, to have a scheduled time for things through-out the day, and above all to be consistent.
So this morning I am going to do a quick Bible study on laziness and woman's duties. I will share my findings with you later on in this blog post.
I Corinthians 14:40
Let all things be done decently and in order.
~I know I ought to have a schedule of my household duties and abide by them so my home functions the way it is suppose to. (in order not chaos)
I Timothy 5:14
I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully.
~I love how it says guide the house. This means it is my responsibility to make sure the duties of the home are completed so the home is lead smoothly and without confusion. If I guide my home right ;with the Lord's help, it will be a place of peace and comfort.
Ecclesiastes 10:18
By much slothfulness the building decayeth; and through idleness of the hands the house droppeth through.
~If I don't keep my home it will fall apart and become destroyed if I do not tend to it. Idlenss is a very scary place to be comfortable in. If I am content being idle oh how I must watch out for the outcome.
Proverbs 13:4
The soul of the sluggard desireth and hath nothing; but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat.
~If I continue in my laziness I will have nothing but if I be about my business I will be blessed of the Lord. I want to truely be blessed of the Lord. I must be busy about my home. (Not neglecting the word of God and prayer)
I Thessalonians 4:11-12
And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you; Than ye may walk honestly toward them that are without, and that ye may have lack of nothing.
~Be about my own business. What the Lord has called me to do. See verse I Timothy 5:14 again. Work with my own hands that means do it by myself ;not hire out for or ask for help. Except to train your children so they can be good at knowing work when they are older.
Titus 2:4-5
That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,
To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.
~These are my duties as a young wife and mother. I need to do these things so the Lord can be glorified!
I pray this has blessed you and challenged you if you are a young wife/mother. I know it made things clearer to me about my duties. If you are a young mother reach out to a mentor mom. Someone the Lord has put into your life to be an example. Ask for wisdom and guidance on your marriage and child rearing. They will be a blessing to you.
I spoke with my mentor mom today, a dear friend of mine, she challenged me to give my children a chore chart. This is my duty as a mother to raise my children to work. I am not saying be a slave driver but give them age appropriate task to accomplish through-out the day. They will feel accomplished and take some burden off of the load. God Bless You and have a peaceful day!
I desire to keep a clean home, prepare meals for my home, to raise my children in a calm environment, to have a scheduled time for things through-out the day, and above all to be consistent.
So this morning I am going to do a quick Bible study on laziness and woman's duties. I will share my findings with you later on in this blog post.
I Corinthians 14:40
Let all things be done decently and in order.
~I know I ought to have a schedule of my household duties and abide by them so my home functions the way it is suppose to. (in order not chaos)
I Timothy 5:14
I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully.
~I love how it says guide the house. This means it is my responsibility to make sure the duties of the home are completed so the home is lead smoothly and without confusion. If I guide my home right ;with the Lord's help, it will be a place of peace and comfort.
Ecclesiastes 10:18
By much slothfulness the building decayeth; and through idleness of the hands the house droppeth through.
~If I don't keep my home it will fall apart and become destroyed if I do not tend to it. Idlenss is a very scary place to be comfortable in. If I am content being idle oh how I must watch out for the outcome.
Proverbs 13:4
The soul of the sluggard desireth and hath nothing; but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat.
~If I continue in my laziness I will have nothing but if I be about my business I will be blessed of the Lord. I want to truely be blessed of the Lord. I must be busy about my home. (Not neglecting the word of God and prayer)
I Thessalonians 4:11-12
And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you; Than ye may walk honestly toward them that are without, and that ye may have lack of nothing.
~Be about my own business. What the Lord has called me to do. See verse I Timothy 5:14 again. Work with my own hands that means do it by myself ;not hire out for or ask for help. Except to train your children so they can be good at knowing work when they are older.
Titus 2:4-5
That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,
To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.
~These are my duties as a young wife and mother. I need to do these things so the Lord can be glorified!
I pray this has blessed you and challenged you if you are a young wife/mother. I know it made things clearer to me about my duties. If you are a young mother reach out to a mentor mom. Someone the Lord has put into your life to be an example. Ask for wisdom and guidance on your marriage and child rearing. They will be a blessing to you.
I spoke with my mentor mom today, a dear friend of mine, she challenged me to give my children a chore chart. This is my duty as a mother to raise my children to work. I am not saying be a slave driver but give them age appropriate task to accomplish through-out the day. They will feel accomplished and take some burden off of the load. God Bless You and have a peaceful day!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
I will trust you Lord
A Song I sang to my Dad yesterday at my visit...
It's funny how we do it the plans for our lives
We plan for success and try to pass the pain right by
But it just doesn't work that way God has a different plan
He works in ways we never see beyond the scope of man
When the journey takes a detour unexpectedly
And I try to accept and understand what it all means
When I'm pressed to show the world what I really believe
I will trust you Lord
When my heart begins to faint because I see my life so frail
And my soul cries out oh Lord how long can I keep this at bay
Cause in the fiercest part of battle when my feet don't want to stay
I will trust you Lord with my life
I may not understand it and even question why
What good would ever come from this has even crossed my mind
But God's teaching me to trust Him more as He works His will in me
I rest securely in His care and surrender sure is sweet
When the journey takes a detour unexpectedly
And I try to accept and understand what it all means
When I'm pressed to show the world what I really believe
I will trust you Lord
When my heart begins to faint because I see my life so frail
And my soul cries out oh Lord how long can I keep this at bay
Cause in the fiercest part of battle when my feet don't want to stay
I will trust you Lord with my life
Cause in the fiercest part of battle when my feet don't want to stay
I will trust you Lord with my life!!!
(I wanted to share these lyrics to this song with you. I hope in the fiercest part of your battle whatever it may be... You trust the Lord with your whole life!) I am trusting the Lord with my life during this battle.)
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