Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Hey y'all

It has been much much too long since I have written. Not that I haven't had anything to write I have truly just been so busy about my home and spending time with dear friends that I haven't had the time. The Lord knows when things are to be done and I think that the season of not writing was honestly just a much needed break that I was suppose to take. I am sure some of my post would not have been edifying. It's been a wave of change these last few months and with me and change well lets just say the testing is long sometimes!

So on to reality we go. What's been going on with our little family. Well we started school back at the beginning of September. It's going much better than I thought and I really am so glad the Lord led me to the ACE curriculum this year! It has seemed a bit slow but I can tell it has really helped Faith sharpen some of her skills in a way I wouldn't have known what to do.I am so blessed to give my children a christian education at home.

Justice is very busy and almost 4 years old. She will celebrate her birthday in November. I have tried to keep her occupied while Faith does school. She participates in the Bible story time. I am slowly easing her into more activities at the same trying not to distract Faith's learning. She is enjoying her coloring and learning how to write some letters. Today I will be printing out more worksheets for her to practice the letters in her name. She is a little bundle of energy but very very intelligent.

Zane is pulling himself up on everything and scoots around the house everywhere! I know before I can blink he is going to be walking! His personality is showing through that he is going to be busy and happy. He is a very very good baby!!!

Scott has been taking it a bit easier since our pastor has come. It's been such a blessing to have a pastor here and Scott and I look forward to sitting under his ministry until the Lord leads us to do otherwise. He is a great preacher/teacher. It's been incredible having him here even for a short time. Scott is still working at the Yes House and the run for City Council came to an end and we believe it was the Lord's will both for Scott to run and also for Scott to not continue on. We trusted Him for everything concerning being elected. God has His perfect plan and I am thankful  for it!

As for myself I have been homemaking, homeschooling and recently started helping a friend with her China business. She sells China on EBay and has a successful business. I love helping her pack, ship, and unpack the China we receive. It's like Christmas!!! :) I am hoping we get more organized for the months to come. I think if we both had it our way I would live out there and work 24/7 until it was completely organized so our lives would be so much easier! I am really enjoying it and it's great because it doesn't interfere with homeschooling and I can work around the kids. Scott is getting more time with them. All the while the extra income I am making is going strait towards getting our finances in order so we are able to live completely debt free!!! A great desire of mine and Scott's a debt free life.  In May the plan is that she is going to England while I stay back and do the business for a month. We as a family will actually live at her home and take care of her springer spaniel  and I will continue on with the demands of EBay  while she and her husband are away. I am happy I can do this for her because she hasn't been back for 20 years and that is way to long to be away from family and the place you were raised. God is good all the time!!!

So this is the catch up and next time I might be able to just write for fun. Love you all and God Bless


Thursday, April 26, 2012


You know so many things can take from the true investments that we ought to make! Debt is one of them that steals so much from us! My husband and I are working on being completely debt free! We are seeing small steps being accomplished and since then we are seeing bigger ones and it so encouraging! We will have a bigger debt paid off the end of this month and we are so excited about it! Then we will have even more money to throw at our bigger debts such as our vehicle payment! We paid off the van two months ago and what a weight lifted!!! So that is something new that has been going on. We are also planning a big family vacation to Walt Disney World in Flordia by the time Zane is old enough to remember...without accomplishment on paying off debt we would never even dream of it!

But what I really wanted to write about was the investment as a wife and mother! Oh the Joys and I say that with no sarcasm! Seriously what a joy it is to be a wife and mother when you have your life in order! I can't tell you the joy I have knowing I am able to make my family meals ever night, the laundry that is clean and put away everyday, the cloth diapers that I put on my sons tushie, the dresses I have sewn for my girls, knowing my husband is coming home to relaxation and not chaos, lighting a candle to give the fragrance of home and a welcoming for him, taking my children to the library, park, or on play dates! I seriously can't tell you how blessed I am in this moment as a wife and mother!

God has shown me the importance of investment in my family. Setting the tone for the day and making life not so complicated. I haven't gotten in to slowing down completely. That is difficult with all the priorities with the church and ministries we are involved in.  With that said it is all for God's glory so if those ministries are things He wants me involved in; then they are worth the time they take to do them!

So as I sit here today trying to catch you up on the life  of the Clems I tell you this....Invest in your husband, invest in your children, invest in your life that the Lord has blessed you another day with! I could tell you many ways I have invested in my family different than I did in the past but these few I will share with you.

Start your day with the Word of God and your husband if he is available.
Stay ahead of chaos by making sure the laundry is started in the morning.
Never leave dirty dishes for yourself in the morning: it's added stress to your day!
Take time for your children...listen to what they have to say its really important to them. (If you have a talker like I do then allow them the time to tell you whats going on thru their little mind)
Encourage your children to do their best in everything and praise them when they do a great job.
Read to your children. I just recently purchased a chapter book to read to Faith and Justice at night to get them excited about the adventure in stories.
Pick one day a week and tackle the time consuming things of the home but light the candle first and put on some quality christian music. Try not to spend more than two hours for your kiddos sake.
Put the kids to bed at a decent time so you can take quality time with your husband even if it is watching your favorite show together holding hands and eating popcorn :)

It's important to have a clean peaceful home but more importantly is the investment of time you take with your family! Be Blessed! Here are a few new pictures for you...this is what we have been up to!

There skirts made by mommy!
Drying Zane's diapers

Justice can peddle by herself this spring!

Picnic in the park just Mommy and the kids!
It was beautiful and smelled wonderful with the trees in bloom!

Feeding the squirrel.

Playing at Curious George!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Picture update

Bulldog bum!

Faith got my camera the following are her work!

The famous five! The girl's favorite stuffed animals!

A sweet picture of Madilynne that Faith took.

Happy swinging!

One Month photo!

Looking at daddy while he gets rocked in daddy's chair.

Justice's first haircut she is too adorable!

They love Grandma Jodie they all had to set on her! It was sweet!

6 weeks old already! Still fits in his coming home outfit but it is getting snug!

So precious those cheeks, lips, and bright eyes!

Let's do the cousin cuddle!

So precious sleeping on his belly!

This was to precious not to share!

So Saturday is one of my posting days so I will leave you with some pictures because I will be too busy on my getaway to care about posting a blog :) So hope you enjoyed!

Saturday, February 25, 2012


This morning I was reflecting on the few memories I have and cherish from my childhood. This may not be the best written blog post I have as I have many jumbled thoughts on my mind. I just feel within me so much that I want to get these thoughts out and on my screen.

So the first thing that got me thinking this morning was play phones, yes you know what I am talking about the string in the cans and going into a different room and whispering into the can so you sister or brother can hear you! My sister's and I did this a few times and then I remember being spoiled with a red phone that looked real and had the same concept my sister and I would play on it for hours! Playing in my bunk bed tent and then having my sister lean over the edge of the bed and playing with her hair when we were suppose to be sleeping!  Playing Barbies for hours on end, whether it was rock stage barbie, McDonald's barbie, driving in the pink convertible, or pool party barbie. Singing and dancing on the coffee table with friends while my mom taught us a dance to Third Rock from the Sun.  The excitement of getting to have sleepovers at friends houses. Playing on their swing sets and tree houses. Getting to ride horses, go out to the barn and milk the cows. Going out to the chicken coupe and collecting eggs made better than you ever had before because they are so fresh. Swimming in the horse's water tank. Riding four wheelers and eating big pickles at the Bruce's house.  Going out to the race track and watching the boys practice. Sitting in the broken down car pretending it was our own and we were cruising the town. Turning the huge slide into a water slide by running a water hose all the way up the to the top and being so excited about the first try down the slide.  Playing dolls for hours with friends and loving all the imagination that went along with it! Jumping on  the trampoline, riding bikes up and down the driveway or rollerblading for hours. Getting 50 cents and going to  the candy store and spending every last penny of it! Finding a secret hideout behind my parents house and making that my own space imagining it was my very own house all to myself. Playing my favorite song over and over again and singing it at the top of my lungs thinking I was just as the original artist if not better :) Going out to a set of cement stairs at our old trailer park and eating Popsicles and singing at the water spiket that was next to the stairs. Going to the public pool and seeing if I could hold my breath all the way to the bottom of the ten foot!!! Swimming until there was a break and then laying down on the warm cement to warm up. Sitting in my dad's shed for hours while he tinkered with things all the while I was just happy to be around him. Waiting for the church bus to come and pick my up was usually the highlight of the week. Going to church and sitting by Grandpa and Grandma Jones and having Grandpa give me werthers originals candies and sing In the Garden nearly every week on our way home! Having Mrs. Kraft take me to dinner at the local restaurant and spending quality time with just me.

I had a great childhood full of memories that were fun. I had friends that really made life exciting because it was different than just getting to sit at home playing with my sisters. Although I know I had a great time with my sisters too. Thankfully I had great childhood friends if any of you are reading this I am sure you are laughing as you have your own memories like me and I am sure you remember these ones too! Thank you Lord for blessing me with this childhood and the memories! I hope and pray my kids  have blessed memories like this! I think they will! Check out these fun pictures!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My hearts desire: The Mother I want to be!

I often  spend time mulling over the person I want to be. I often beat myself up because I begin to see my short comings and then just look at myself as a failure. To be honest even though I know I fall short I know that the Lord doesn't want me to stay in that place of being discouraged. He can't fully work through me if I stay in that place within my heart. So as I was thinking today I thought why not write down the mother I want to be and then really pray over it. So here it goes here is my hearts desire of my life as a mother.

I want to be the mother who wakes up before her children prays for them, spends time with the Lord, and has breakfast prepared for them even if it is only a bowl of cereal.

I want to be the mother who really takes the time to encourage her children to cry out to God for their day right away in the morning. I want to share a devotion just for them while they eat their breakfast.

I want to be the mother that has their clothes laid out and makes the time to do their hair nicely everyday. Also all their other grooming needs met.

I want to be the mother that has a plan for the day. A plan specific to make something about the day be special just for them. Like taking them places, playing games with them, a special family night curled up cuddling reading books or watching a movie with popcorn and hot chocolate. (that is their favorite)

I want to be the mother who has a schedule to life that makes things run smoother. I know with a schedule kids are less irritated or disappointed because they know what is expected. They are less likely to rebel if they have a routine.

I want to be the mother that teaches my children in love, gentleness, and kind words. I want to build them into the women God would have them to be in the future.

I want to be the mother that takes the time to do a nightly routine with her children so at the end of the day they feel nurtured and love in such a way that just the routine of before bed feels like a huge loving hug!

I want to be the mother that  my children look back at their childhood and say that is the kind of mother I want to be! I want my children to have a spirit of genuine love towards their children.

I want to be the mother that teaches her children through love but also through discipline when they are disobedient or have an ungodly attitude. I want to shape them into respectful little people who obey when they are told and with a good attitude.

This is the mother that I want to be!
They are my children the last thing in life I want to do is disappoint them! If I try to do any of this in my own strength I will continue to fail. I do not want to fail in one of my most important duties in life! Again I have to allow God to work through my heart before I can be the mother I desire to be. I know if I honor God and keep Him first He will bring these things to pass and I will be the mother He truly wants me to be which is better than anything I can dream up.

I hope this an encouragement to anyone who might read it. We all have good ambitions but without the Lord involved in our ambitions we won't come to accomplish them. Even if we do without Him involved it will be failure because it will all be empty apart from Him.

God Bless Y'all

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Our last two weeks in pictures

Hope you enjoy and as you can tell I am really wanting to write and tell you all about the blessings we have been enjoying but I will try to let the pictures speak for themselves!

After our Zane's first morning at church

Too cute snoozing Zane loves his puppy that makes music and nature sounds.
The first picture with the girls holding Zane they had to wait until they weren't so sick.

Too cute so concerned over him

Full tummy!

Sleeping with Daddy!

Just adorable!!!

I love this one he looks like a little slugger already!

Sleeping smirk for ya mom!

Wide awake but not for long!

Precious hands!

The girls keeping him entertained and happy while mommy works a bit.

My precious children! All ready for our Wednesday night at church!
Taken today 2/8/2012

Super happy!

They always say "oh baby you're so cute!"

She was too adorable this morning I put Zane in her bed after their bath so I could help get them ready. While I was helping Faith Justice piled all her animals around him like he was one of her baby dolls!

Before this picture she says "I'm a big sister"

Faith is a pro at holding Zane and what a helper! She has such an obedient spirit. I ask her for help A LOT and she is always so willing and happy to help when it comes to her new brother! Today she held him while I changed some laundry out! It's amazing to have an extra pair of hands! I am so thankful that she is such an obedient kiddo.

She is a great big big sister and I know her and Zane will have a special bond because she is so caring for him just like she is with Justice. Doesn't mean they won't fight or disagree but they will definitely love each other!

Hope you enjoyed the pictures and as soon as I can I will upload the other ones from my phone! Have a great Wednesday and God Bless!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Beyond Blessed

This last week has been amazing to see the out pour of love and support from our church family! They were all so thrilled to welcome Zane into the house of the Lord! The oohs and awes over him was humorous! It's like they all fell in love with our newest addition. We have been blessed with meals every night since I got home from the hospital and today was a wonderful wonderful day! We went to the Dr and Zane's jaundice is of no concern anymore. Dr Ammari said he looked incredible and there was no need for more blood draws which is great because his poor heels of his feet were looking pretty sad! So we have had him home all day and not connected to a billi blanket. Its so freeing! :o) Justice is battling a bit of a cough and has a very slight fever but nothing that needed antibiotics so that is great. Zane has got his days and nights mixed up to say the least! He is up till 4 am most mornings and then finally lets me sleep from 4-8:30 and then he sleeps most the morning with a feeding every two and a half hours. He slept all afternoon today and then woke up at 4 for about an hour and a half then ate and went back to sleep. I have no idea how I am going to get him on the same schedule as us but I am hoping it will all work out in time! I am still going off adrenaline and love haha! Which is the only thing that is keeping this body going! Oh that and my husband is an amazing help! Faith has fully embraced being the oldest sister and is willing to help whenever she can! My girls have been very obedient since we have brought Zane home which has been amazing! All in all God is good all the time~

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Our Newest Blessing

Oh I can't even begin to express the joy and love that overflows my heart! The Lord has been so good to us and blessed us with our healthy baby boy Zane Scott Clem. For any of you who are wondering were we came up with a name like Zane it means God is gracious. As anyone who knows anything about how this last year was for my family and I you would know we have been through much loss but I can say with an honest and grateful heart that I am truly blessed to endure such hard trials because in all of it God's graciousness was so apparent in everything! So when I saw the name Zane and what it meant tears instantly filled my eyes and I knew that was my sons name! So now the blessings of photos for all of you! I love you all sorry this is short but I need to get to sleep tomorrow is our first day in church with Zane!

First born laid on mommy's chest

Daddy cutting the cord look at that smile! Priceless!

Mommy talking to him what an amazing moment!

I have my son safe in my arms!

First family photo!

Daddy first holding him!

Going on the lights for his jaundice.

Relaxed and not minding his temporary home.

The girls playing with daddy while they were up to visit!

I am ready to go home!

Let's do this I am wide awake!

Day two ready to go to the hospital for more blood tests. He slept thru the poke!
Look at that chubby chin already!

I love you baby brudder! She looks so big now!

After first sponge bath at home ready for church tomorrow!

So cozy!

Settled in for night two and we officially feel at home and settled!
God is so good!