Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Our last two weeks in pictures

Hope you enjoy and as you can tell I am really wanting to write and tell you all about the blessings we have been enjoying but I will try to let the pictures speak for themselves!

After our Zane's first morning at church

Too cute snoozing Zane loves his puppy that makes music and nature sounds.
The first picture with the girls holding Zane they had to wait until they weren't so sick.

Too cute so concerned over him

Full tummy!

Sleeping with Daddy!

Just adorable!!!

I love this one he looks like a little slugger already!

Sleeping smirk for ya mom!

Wide awake but not for long!

Precious hands!

The girls keeping him entertained and happy while mommy works a bit.

My precious children! All ready for our Wednesday night at church!
Taken today 2/8/2012

Super happy!

They always say "oh baby you're so cute!"

She was too adorable this morning I put Zane in her bed after their bath so I could help get them ready. While I was helping Faith Justice piled all her animals around him like he was one of her baby dolls!

Before this picture she says "I'm a big sister"

Faith is a pro at holding Zane and what a helper! She has such an obedient spirit. I ask her for help A LOT and she is always so willing and happy to help when it comes to her new brother! Today she held him while I changed some laundry out! It's amazing to have an extra pair of hands! I am so thankful that she is such an obedient kiddo.

She is a great big big sister and I know her and Zane will have a special bond because she is so caring for him just like she is with Justice. Doesn't mean they won't fight or disagree but they will definitely love each other!

Hope you enjoyed the pictures and as soon as I can I will upload the other ones from my phone! Have a great Wednesday and God Bless!


  1. Love your adorable lil family! Wow the girls have gotten so big! Baby Zane is so cute! I know your so proud!
