So I am no expert I checked out other sites. Some say to use borax but I didn't Walmart was out and I heard baking soda does the same thing plus it is gentler on the skin. Since I am mainly using this for my cloth diapers here is what I did for my own soap I think you could tweak it any way you wanted just using these ingredients.
1/2 bar fels naptha soap (97 cents)
2 cups baking soda (around $2.50)
2 cups super washing soda (around $3.00)
Depending on how it cleans I might add more of the bar soap but I don't want to make it harsh on Zane's skin and since I am the one making it I figure I will make it more gentle the first go round. I will up date you!
Most sites that I found use this recipe:
1 bar Fels Naptha Soap
1/2 cup borax or baking soda
1 cup super washing soda
Equal parts of these three ingredients
Super Washing Soda
Borax or Baking Soda
Sun Oxi Clean Powder