Showing posts with label Money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Money. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Homemade Detergent!!!

As a stay at home mom I am always trying to find away to be more frugal with our finances...So my newest way that I thought I would try would be to take on cloth diapers I was given! Yes given Praise the Lord they can be very expensive to buy but a wonderful friend of mine gave them to me! I am hoping it goes as planned and I am able to use this set up at least until he is six months. Then I might be able to get some from my nurse at the pediatrician office! She and I were talking and she said she would give me hers! God is truly so good to us! Ok so my newest thing apart from using cloth diapers was to make my own laundry detergent! Yes you heard me right....the detergent you are told to buy for cloth diapers is soo expensive $17.00 for detergent I think not!!! So here it is: and below I listed the recipe for it if you choose to make it yourself!

So I am no expert I checked out other sites. Some say to use borax but I didn't Walmart was out and I heard baking soda does the same thing plus it is gentler on the skin. Since I am mainly using this for my cloth diapers here is what I did for my own soap I think you could tweak it any way you wanted just using these ingredients.

1/2 bar fels naptha soap (97 cents)
2 cups baking soda (around $2.50)
2 cups super washing soda (around $3.00)

Depending on how it cleans I might add more of the bar soap but I don't want to make it harsh on Zane's skin and since I am the one making it I figure I will make it more gentle the first go round. I will up date you!

Most sites that I found use this recipe:

1 bar Fels Naptha Soap
1/2 cup borax or baking soda
1 cup super washing soda


Equal parts of these three ingredients
Super Washing Soda
Borax or Baking Soda
Sun Oxi Clean Powder

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Sorry for the delay!

Hey y'all

I have been wanting to get on for days and just write but haven't been able to find the time! Three kiddos is alot more demanding. Although sometimes I think it is just having a new baby. I am probably being to hard on myself! I had been so on top of everything before having Zane and now it seems I am always a few steps behind if not a lot of them! HAHA Speaking of he is starting to grunt quite a bit I will probably need to finish this later.

Today I was able to get up early with my husband and do our Bible reading before he went off to work. We have stayed on track since the beginning of the year and it has been such a blessing! I really didn't know if we would be able to keep up with after Zane but we have continued and caught up when we need to but we are right on schedule. The time in the word has been such a blessing! If it has shown me anything in our marriage it's that we really are an amazing team. We are really good at holding each other accountable and building each other to do right. I have always known Scott and I were a good team because he is always such a help to me when I need it most whether it be with the kids or housework. He never hesitates to help when I ask and I likewise; at least I think so ;) You might have to ask him. Either way I am excited to see how our marriage strengthens around the word of God. I know it will only be blessed!

So I am still not quite in the swing of things but it is slowly getting there! Praise the Lord! It had been driving me bonkers that I wasn't able to get up in the morning before my kids. I had gotten into a really good routine before having Zane and I was loving it. It was a very productive/scheduled routine and it made all the difference in the function of our home.

So this is totally in the middle of all of this but I am so happy about it I had to fit it in! Scott and I OWN our van finally! Paid in full! It is an 05 and has only 90,000 miles on it! It's a great van and we plan on keeping it until it doesn't run. Plus we also were able to get a credit card paid off completely and we plan on working on our debt snowball! If we work everything out we should be out of debt completely by September of 2014 Yay that is only 2 years away! DEBT FREE!!! That includes paying off our other vehicle also! Oh what a day that will be!We are a lot more fortunate than others our age we have taken on a lot less debt than most but debt is debt and it's hard to get out of it once you are in! I praise the Lord for that vehicle payment being gone and us being able to put that money towards other bills!

I am really wanting to get better at updating my blog and having more specific topics I write about. I have notes in my phone about the different topics I would like to emphasize and in due time I will be able to get that done. Blogging can take quite a bit of time but I know it's worth it for me. It is a wonderful outlet to get somethings off my chest and then also the wonderful things the Lord lays on my heart to share and pictures who doesn't love pictures!!! Speaking of I will update some in another post later today during the girls nap. That is if Zane will allow it....We are all working around his schedule at this point! Well all I would love to be writing on a topic but instead I am playing the catch up game again! I promise I will get more on top of it but until then I will really try to stay updated on the pictures! Zane is changing more and more everyday! When we went in for his checkup he was up 2 whole pounds! He is now up to 8.8 lbs and grown almost an inch! He is going to be a big big boy! I have great pictures of the girls holding him. I have tons of pictures on my phone but no idea how to get them on my computer! I need my husbands help with that! So soon my loved ones I will have new pictures up for your veiwing pleasure! ;o)  Take care y'all!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Wanted to share

Here are a few things I wanted to share with my friends far and wide.

First is my friendly neighbor's soap website. She is an amazing person!! God really blessed us this time with some awesome christian neighbors! :) So here is her website it is self explanitory. I am passionate about her products they have helped with my problematic skin. She made me a facial bar that cleared up my acne and she also made an oil blend for my excema. She is such a God send! I love all her soaps too! Be blessed check out her products.

Also here is another website you can check out we are just starting this this week. It's called bountiful baskets. Check and see if there is a location near you. If you have any questions with the website feel free to email me. Sidenote: the offers are updated Monday around noon and you must submit your contribution at that time. The pick up times are on Saturday and there is a short window of time to pick up so you must be on time. Here is the website for this one. I have only heard good things about this and I will share my personal experience with you :)