Showing posts with label Five Minute Friday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Five Minute Friday. Show all posts

Friday, March 23, 2012

Five Minute Friday: Balance

Balance is hard to accomplish but possible if we have our priorities strait.

Understanding the true value of time and not letting it slip away into regrets.

Rising early and finishing well in all that you have set your mind to for the days tasks.

Giving of yourself to the people the Lord has given in your life.

Not allowing things to get away from you such as laundry and dishes my two hated tasks! Catching up is harder to do than just staying on top of these tasks.

Taking time for your kids to spend quality time not necessarily a quantity of time: the quality matters.

Being faithful in your time with the Lord brings all things into a balance. I believe the Lord protects your balance of life if you keep Him first.

Lord help me not to rob myself of a healthy balance of life. Help me to be the wife, mother, and friend that I ought to be. Help me to rise early and take advantage of the time I am given.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Five Minute Friday: ~A Getaway~

A Getaway

Taking in a deep breath and exhaling to feel renewed in the greatest sense of your being.
Feeling as if you are on a beach out in the islands but really just being alone with yourself.
A peace that washes over your mind and soul to rest and let the worries roll of your chest.
A sense of freedom but not caring to go anywhere or be in a rush.
Taking time to really enjoy God's goodness.
Allowing yourself to reflect on your life and view it with fresh eyes.
Removing anxiety from your thoughts and casting them far far from you.

I think getaways are so necessary especially for mothers. Even if you can't actually getaway just take a drive look at a pretty sunset or stare off into the evening sky but allow yourself to imagine you are in your ideal environment and let your mind be free to release stress, anxiety, and troubling thoughts. You will come away refreshed and a better person if even for a little while.

Be Blessed~ Chelsie

Friday, February 24, 2012

Five Minute Friday: Marriage

God made Adam & Eve for a reason.
God never meant that marriage was to end in seperation let alone divorce.
God told Moses that it was because of the hardness of men & womans hearts that they would divorce.
God said that we should cleave unto our spouse.
God never said our spouse wouldn't disappoint us.
God also didn't give us the liberty to not forgive our spouse when they do disappoint us.
God can and will restore a marriage if our hearts are fixed on Him.
God meant for marriage to be forever and till death do us part.
Satan wants nothing more than to destroy marriages! If he seperates the marriage he seperates the home and then the children's whole life is effected by divorce. The home is designed to stay together.Especially today's generation needs an example of what God can do through two people whose hearts are fixed on Him.

I am so so burdened for the marriage relationship. It seems everywhere I turn people are calling it quits and I am talking about christian people too. For some reason in their heart they justify it. But let us remember the heart is desperately wicked who can know it. We can not and must not trust in our hearts and only trust in the Lord. Cleave unto the Word of God for you wisdom and the Word alone!

Hebrew 4:12
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.