A Getaway
Taking in a deep breath and exhaling to feel renewed in the greatest sense of your being.
Feeling as if you are on a beach out in the islands but really just being alone with yourself.
A peace that washes over your mind and soul to rest and let the worries roll of your chest.
A sense of freedom but not caring to go anywhere or be in a rush.
Taking time to really enjoy God's goodness.
Allowing yourself to reflect on your life and view it with fresh eyes.
Removing anxiety from your thoughts and casting them far far from you.
I think getaways are so necessary especially for mothers. Even if you can't actually getaway just take a drive look at a pretty sunset or stare off into the evening sky but allow yourself to imagine you are in your ideal environment and let your mind be free to release stress, anxiety, and troubling thoughts. You will come away refreshed and a better person if even for a little while.
Be Blessed~ Chelsie
Chelsie; Can't tell you enough how much I love getting these posts from you. I am going to send you a video from Amy. Today is Onyx's 1st birthday and he took his first steps. Sending our love. Grams