I am so glad that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. We as Christians have one stability in our lives even if everything else seems to be shaking! Recently our family has been dealing with some rough issues! Not from within but from without, things we seem to not really have any control over. When you have no control Who do you finally let go and give it to? The Lord! The Lord has told me to keep my mouth shut concerning the issues we are dealing with and I am but I just wanted to publicly praise Him for his grace! God's grace is amazing! When you think how earthly minded we as Christians can be I think we completely forget about the grace that God Himself has dealt to us! A grace that really is unmeasurable! We can't even understand it's depths or heights! I praise God that He sees our heart and not just our outward appearance. That He knows our real drive behind what we are striving for in our lives and He is the only one who can really judge that and know the truth concerning it! I praise the Lord for guiding our home in the direction it's going even when it's a difficult time! I will continue to praise Him whatever comes our way! God is worthy of praise! My God not only supplies my physical needs but oh the love that he shows when He provides for the spiritual needs thru His word and time of fellowship with me! God has shown Himself faithful in our lives and has always blessed us even when we could not see it at the time! My God will protect us with His mighty shield during this time of troubles! He will guard us from the snares of the devil and his armies! He will defeat our foes! He will triumph threw victoriously to show Himself might and strong! To show His grace and love towards His children whom He will protect! I have a mighty mighty God and He is on my side!
Thank you Jesus for knowing my heart and knowing my concerns in life. But Lord thank you most for caring for every detail of my life and guiding it every step! Lord I cannot praise you enough for your provision over the spiritual needs you have met! Lord the way your voice is so clear in your word and in my devotions with you! Lord God I cannot imagine living a life where you have not guided every facet of it! Your guidance has led us in the way we ought to go and with you guiding hand we will continue on in what you have put before us! Thank you Jesus for all that you are and all that you do! AMEN
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