Sunday, July 22, 2012

Run back to His arms!!

I have been beyond blessed with a gracious Heavenly Father! I would have given up on me by now. Honestly I truly would have. I have been so lukewarm in my walk with the Lord! I need his grace more than ever. Life doesn't slow down and it's so difficult to get still and quiet before the Lord. But you know what is amazing God is merciful and He cares so much more than He even has to! Like I said I have been very lukewarm and honestly not in the right spirit towards the Lord or my attitude of service to Him. I am so thankful that God doesn't give up on me and that He meets me right where I am and He ministers to me!

In this post I want to encourage you to cry out to the Lord if you are struggling in the christian life. Ask the Lord to give you a refreshed spirit and to help you to repentance. Yes friends I was honestly this far. I needed to cry out to my Lord and ask Him to have true repentance. I had become so complacent in myself that I wasn't even sure I would know where to start in renewing a right heart towards the Lord and service for Him. The Lord brought me right where I needed to go in His word and He ministered to me on things I wasn't even aware of! Oh my, may I honestly say; what a blessing!!! The Heavenly Father met with me right in that moment when I simply turned to him. All I had to do was open myself to Him and ask Him to meet me. I am so glad He loves me unconditionally! I praise Him for His provision and His never moving hand. Don't believe Satan's lie that you have strayed to far from God and that He won't forgive your sinful state! Remember He has already forgiven all you sins.

Jesus I praise you for renewing a right spirit with in me, ministering to me with your Word, and answering my prayers!

Run to the Heavenly Father His arms are always open! His way is perfect!


  1. Love this Chels! Miss you and love you. Tried calling the other day no answer. Love you!!

  2. I have a new blog! Follow me over!
