Sunday, July 22, 2012

Run back to His arms!!

I have been beyond blessed with a gracious Heavenly Father! I would have given up on me by now. Honestly I truly would have. I have been so lukewarm in my walk with the Lord! I need his grace more than ever. Life doesn't slow down and it's so difficult to get still and quiet before the Lord. But you know what is amazing God is merciful and He cares so much more than He even has to! Like I said I have been very lukewarm and honestly not in the right spirit towards the Lord or my attitude of service to Him. I am so thankful that God doesn't give up on me and that He meets me right where I am and He ministers to me!

In this post I want to encourage you to cry out to the Lord if you are struggling in the christian life. Ask the Lord to give you a refreshed spirit and to help you to repentance. Yes friends I was honestly this far. I needed to cry out to my Lord and ask Him to have true repentance. I had become so complacent in myself that I wasn't even sure I would know where to start in renewing a right heart towards the Lord and service for Him. The Lord brought me right where I needed to go in His word and He ministered to me on things I wasn't even aware of! Oh my, may I honestly say; what a blessing!!! The Heavenly Father met with me right in that moment when I simply turned to him. All I had to do was open myself to Him and ask Him to meet me. I am so glad He loves me unconditionally! I praise Him for His provision and His never moving hand. Don't believe Satan's lie that you have strayed to far from God and that He won't forgive your sinful state! Remember He has already forgiven all you sins.

Jesus I praise you for renewing a right spirit with in me, ministering to me with your Word, and answering my prayers!

Run to the Heavenly Father His arms are always open! His way is perfect!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Summer Dysfunction!!! A little humor in it all!

I am laughing at my title right now as I sit with my bowl of Cheerios that will probably get soggy because of this post but haha such is life!! Ok so about this dysfunctional summer man oh man I can't tell you how behind and unorganized I am this summer! I can't seem to stay on top of it let alone ahead of it! It's like mass chaos has hit my house!!! This summer has been great but my house is suffering because of it. Notice I said my house not my home! My home is doing fine we are getting along just fine, the kids are taken care of and having a blast with the play dates with friends and outside activities!

On a side note Faith taught herself how to ride her bike two days ago! I am so thankful for it because that seemed about as enjoyable as potty training! I know how much it was scary for me! One of my first memories actually!

Faith is growing up so fast! She will be 6 this month and she is showing it too. She is tall and thin like her daddy and she is wanting to grow up so fast hence the self taught bike riding!!! LOL It says alot about her character tho she is going to be a go getter! I like that; it makes me excited to think my child will be independent enough to strive for what she wants in life! I want a confident independent daughter that cares about what the Lord thinks of her and not peoples opinions. My prayer is that that is the type of girl she will be as she grows. As long as I lead her in the way she ought to grow I can cling to God's promise that she will not depart from it!

Ok so I was just checking in and going to rant about my dysfunctional life haha! I guess so everyone out there can know that they are not alone! My car is a mess, my laundry undone, tons of errands to run before tomorrow, and clutter in nearly every corner! I wish Chuck Norris could come kick this houses booty because it really needs it! But you know what I highly doubt he will be heading this way so I better get to it! Have a great weekend folks!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Well OVERDUE in life!!! Reality Check!!!

You know how you get overdue books at the library well that's the way I have been feeling in life. That sense of needing to return life to normalcy yet I can't do it?! It's been overwhelming!  Do I have overdue books at the library you bet I do! Unfortunately it's one of those things that has been put on the back burner for well quite some time! 

I didn't announce my break from blogging to be honest I was pretty sure no one missed it except a few faithful friends from the good ole south :) 

So overwhelming, busy, hectic, and chaotic life...YUCK!!! Doesn't sound like a Spirit filled life now does it! I'm just gonna be real here! Life is tough you have days were you aren't perfect and honestly days when you don't even feel like getting out of your pj's! Yep that was me yesterday I stuck around the house all day yesterday in my jammies doing housework and letting my kids take a much needed break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life! Summer is crazy!!! I know you hear me MAMAS!!! 

So let's reel it in here...Spirit filled life...? Am I walking in the Spirit when I am so busy I can't tell you what my next 30 minutes is going to look like?! No how can I be; honestly, if life is passing me by then I am wasting it! What am I really doing? Existing that's it!!! I know there are seasons for everything but I don't want to stay in a season of just existing!! I want to be making a positive difference in the lives of people that surround me daily!

My husband, am I really being the best encouragement to my husband when I am running life on a whim, NOPE. My kids don't seem to mind it that they can play outside all day and then come in to eat and then back out to play! But where is the quality time in that lifestyle! There isn't! What a shame, what a rut my life has really been in! With God's help not anymore!!! I am glad God helps me to take a deep look at my life to straighten me out! I NEED IT!!! 

So my life; first I need to seek the Lord more earnestly and then I need to attempt to organize this so called life I am living!!! So I don't waste it all. I am not saying I think I need to schedule every waking moment but I do need to at least have a structure to build upon!  Allow myself to walk in a Spirit filled life!

I won't write you my list of what I want my life to look like because it's personal but I am glad that I took the time to get real with myself and evaluate what is really going on in my everyday life! I am praying for a positive change in my life and the life of my church family. It's been extremely hard being without a pastor at our church but it's no excuse for my personal relationship with the Lord to suffer because of it! He is my Shepard. 

Be Blessed everyone I am going to spend some time in the Word and see what the Lord truly has for me today!