Saturday, February 25, 2012


This morning I was reflecting on the few memories I have and cherish from my childhood. This may not be the best written blog post I have as I have many jumbled thoughts on my mind. I just feel within me so much that I want to get these thoughts out and on my screen.

So the first thing that got me thinking this morning was play phones, yes you know what I am talking about the string in the cans and going into a different room and whispering into the can so you sister or brother can hear you! My sister's and I did this a few times and then I remember being spoiled with a red phone that looked real and had the same concept my sister and I would play on it for hours! Playing in my bunk bed tent and then having my sister lean over the edge of the bed and playing with her hair when we were suppose to be sleeping!  Playing Barbies for hours on end, whether it was rock stage barbie, McDonald's barbie, driving in the pink convertible, or pool party barbie. Singing and dancing on the coffee table with friends while my mom taught us a dance to Third Rock from the Sun.  The excitement of getting to have sleepovers at friends houses. Playing on their swing sets and tree houses. Getting to ride horses, go out to the barn and milk the cows. Going out to the chicken coupe and collecting eggs made better than you ever had before because they are so fresh. Swimming in the horse's water tank. Riding four wheelers and eating big pickles at the Bruce's house.  Going out to the race track and watching the boys practice. Sitting in the broken down car pretending it was our own and we were cruising the town. Turning the huge slide into a water slide by running a water hose all the way up the to the top and being so excited about the first try down the slide.  Playing dolls for hours with friends and loving all the imagination that went along with it! Jumping on  the trampoline, riding bikes up and down the driveway or rollerblading for hours. Getting 50 cents and going to  the candy store and spending every last penny of it! Finding a secret hideout behind my parents house and making that my own space imagining it was my very own house all to myself. Playing my favorite song over and over again and singing it at the top of my lungs thinking I was just as the original artist if not better :) Going out to a set of cement stairs at our old trailer park and eating Popsicles and singing at the water spiket that was next to the stairs. Going to the public pool and seeing if I could hold my breath all the way to the bottom of the ten foot!!! Swimming until there was a break and then laying down on the warm cement to warm up. Sitting in my dad's shed for hours while he tinkered with things all the while I was just happy to be around him. Waiting for the church bus to come and pick my up was usually the highlight of the week. Going to church and sitting by Grandpa and Grandma Jones and having Grandpa give me werthers originals candies and sing In the Garden nearly every week on our way home! Having Mrs. Kraft take me to dinner at the local restaurant and spending quality time with just me.

I had a great childhood full of memories that were fun. I had friends that really made life exciting because it was different than just getting to sit at home playing with my sisters. Although I know I had a great time with my sisters too. Thankfully I had great childhood friends if any of you are reading this I am sure you are laughing as you have your own memories like me and I am sure you remember these ones too! Thank you Lord for blessing me with this childhood and the memories! I hope and pray my kids  have blessed memories like this! I think they will! Check out these fun pictures!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Update on Posts

For my readers I wanted to share with you that I will be writing on Wednesday's, Five minute Friday's, and Saturdays.

I am commiting to these days so that can stay up to date. On some given Saturday's I may just post some pictures but at least it will be something posted up.

A five minute Friday post will be only five minutes of writing on one word. Whatever comes to my heart and mind within those five minutes is all you will get. Feel free to add on comments of the way it might have moved your thinking.  These posts will be raw and very simple due to the time factor. I enjoy a friend of mine's so I have adopted it and decided to do my own five minute Friday posts.

Have a happy Friday y'all and God Bless your weekend!

Five Minute Friday: Marriage

God made Adam & Eve for a reason.
God never meant that marriage was to end in seperation let alone divorce.
God told Moses that it was because of the hardness of men & womans hearts that they would divorce.
God said that we should cleave unto our spouse.
God never said our spouse wouldn't disappoint us.
God also didn't give us the liberty to not forgive our spouse when they do disappoint us.
God can and will restore a marriage if our hearts are fixed on Him.
God meant for marriage to be forever and till death do us part.
Satan wants nothing more than to destroy marriages! If he seperates the marriage he seperates the home and then the children's whole life is effected by divorce. The home is designed to stay together.Especially today's generation needs an example of what God can do through two people whose hearts are fixed on Him.

I am so so burdened for the marriage relationship. It seems everywhere I turn people are calling it quits and I am talking about christian people too. For some reason in their heart they justify it. But let us remember the heart is desperately wicked who can know it. We can not and must not trust in our hearts and only trust in the Lord. Cleave unto the Word of God for you wisdom and the Word alone!

Hebrew 4:12
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My hearts desire: The Mother I want to be!

I often  spend time mulling over the person I want to be. I often beat myself up because I begin to see my short comings and then just look at myself as a failure. To be honest even though I know I fall short I know that the Lord doesn't want me to stay in that place of being discouraged. He can't fully work through me if I stay in that place within my heart. So as I was thinking today I thought why not write down the mother I want to be and then really pray over it. So here it goes here is my hearts desire of my life as a mother.

I want to be the mother who wakes up before her children prays for them, spends time with the Lord, and has breakfast prepared for them even if it is only a bowl of cereal.

I want to be the mother who really takes the time to encourage her children to cry out to God for their day right away in the morning. I want to share a devotion just for them while they eat their breakfast.

I want to be the mother that has their clothes laid out and makes the time to do their hair nicely everyday. Also all their other grooming needs met.

I want to be the mother that has a plan for the day. A plan specific to make something about the day be special just for them. Like taking them places, playing games with them, a special family night curled up cuddling reading books or watching a movie with popcorn and hot chocolate. (that is their favorite)

I want to be the mother who has a schedule to life that makes things run smoother. I know with a schedule kids are less irritated or disappointed because they know what is expected. They are less likely to rebel if they have a routine.

I want to be the mother that teaches my children in love, gentleness, and kind words. I want to build them into the women God would have them to be in the future.

I want to be the mother that takes the time to do a nightly routine with her children so at the end of the day they feel nurtured and love in such a way that just the routine of before bed feels like a huge loving hug!

I want to be the mother that  my children look back at their childhood and say that is the kind of mother I want to be! I want my children to have a spirit of genuine love towards their children.

I want to be the mother that teaches her children through love but also through discipline when they are disobedient or have an ungodly attitude. I want to shape them into respectful little people who obey when they are told and with a good attitude.

This is the mother that I want to be!
They are my children the last thing in life I want to do is disappoint them! If I try to do any of this in my own strength I will continue to fail. I do not want to fail in one of my most important duties in life! Again I have to allow God to work through my heart before I can be the mother I desire to be. I know if I honor God and keep Him first He will bring these things to pass and I will be the mother He truly wants me to be which is better than anything I can dream up.

I hope this an encouragement to anyone who might read it. We all have good ambitions but without the Lord involved in our ambitions we won't come to accomplish them. Even if we do without Him involved it will be failure because it will all be empty apart from Him.

God Bless Y'all

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Changes are part of the BIG plan

I miss writing so I wanted to hop on here quickly and put some thoughts to words spoken. I don't really have much to say but had the desire to write. Writing is my outlet it is a release for me! I don't feel I am a very good writer even though I have had people tell me they enjoy reading my writing. I honestly don't write because I feel I have any talent whatsoever in coming across as even the least bit skilled. My sentences are always run on sentences and I have a really hard time making my thoughts flow onto the page. My thoughts are usually somewhat scattered and definitely come off that way. You know what; oh well! I just hope through my deeper writings that anyone reading can glean the true meaning behind it! When I have something serious to write about I just hope in the end it brings glory and honor to the Lord. I do know that I have a desire when writing to do that one thing alone. I first started out this blog in hopes to disconnect from the social networks but it became more than that which is awesome! I wish I could be more faithful and commit more time to it! But I am a wife, a mother to three, a daughter, a sister, a friend, and most importantly a  child of the Lord's. That being said my priorities must be in line and not as scattered as my thoughts haha :) I have tried to get on at least on Saturdays and do a quick update or just even some thoughts.  So here are my thoughts on this week:

Life with three kids is amazing! The blessing of new life helps me all the more to cherish my two little girls that came before my new son. It takes you back to remembering when they were babies before they disobeyed and had a mind and attitude of their very own! HAHA I love love love my little girls they really are very independent I am realizing! They have taken on a new, what would I call this.... a new...demeanour. Most things have changed about them or at least maybe now I am seeing them more clearly since I am doing a lot of observing while I tend to Zane's needs. Faith has taken on to the role of biggest sister quite strongly whereas Justice has decided she is going to push her limits with Mom just to see how much she can get away with. I knew there was going to be challenges with the addition of a new baby but I didn't know what they would be. Some of the challenges that I didn't expect was that Faith would be really desiring extra attention almost constantly. This can be very tiring as a mother but it has me concerned enough to be aware that she will take negative attention if she will not get positive attention just as long as it is attention :( This is difficult for me but I also know it is a growth thing for me as well because I need to give my kids more positive attention. I am too hard on my kids sometimes expecting way to much! They need to see love and gentleness within my spirit towards them. One thing I have learned about myself is that I need to allow myself time to adjust to big changes. I dont' need to have everything together next week just because Zane will be over a month old. I have been mentally beating myself up over my short coming but having a new baby and two other children is a huge adjustment! Did I mention everyone in the house apart from Scott is sick! Faith and Zane are on breathing treatments because they are so sick with RSV. It's been alot to take on the basics but to all be sick takes it's toll on you physical and mental condition for sure! I am just happy for this time to reflect on what the Lord is really doing in my life during this season though. He is refining me constantly this is another part of my refining process. I know to be thankful because in all things if you allow it God can do mighty things through you if you have a willing and obedient spirit.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Growing into changes

And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intecession for the saints according to the will of God. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
ROMANS 8:27-28

So this morning has been unorganized but productive! I have got myself and all the kids ready and that includes a bath! I feel ahead of the game. Well at least at the moment I do. I am sitting down with my fresh fruit and yogurt smoothie while the girls are tidying their room so they can come and enjoy their mini smoothies! There is something about fresh fruit rushing threw your body that just makes you feel so much better!

So onto what I wanted to talk about; growing into changes! I think we as people think we must accept change right away and that it can't be a gradual thing. I think we believe if we don't accept it right away we may as well shut the door to it and act as if it just simply does not exist. I now know and completely disagree with that thought process. In fact the Lord is showing me this more and more in my life recently! Who knows maybe this is part of the grieving process to. I am not really sure but one thing I am sure of is that it's ok to accept change gradually. The biggest obstacle is accepting it. I know this one thing; with God all things are possible!

This last year has been a complete year of change. I have had to accept the change of not having my pastor and my dad here to talk to. I have had to accept the roles that the Lord has put my husband into. Also the role that He has put me into being my husband's wife. The waves of change that happen when you are homeschooling mother. Having a newborn with two other children who need my attention also. Having neighbors move and getting new ones. Relationships changing whether it be drawing closer to some or restraining from relationships that were once close but weren't good for me as a christian. There are many things I am sure you can pinpoint in your own life. You should meditate on things that you possibly have put to the back burner that you might need to work on accepting that change.

The true secret to accepting change is giving it to the Lord and letting Him intercede on your behalf! He will be able to work things out for you better that you can in and of yourself. Just recently I had to face the fact that I couldn't accept the changes in my life because they were completely out of my control. You know what I am talking about those changes that effect you indirectly but they still effect you. I didn't know what to do and it honestly broke my heart that I could be the person I knew the Lord wanted  me to be. I couldn't control my emotions to even begin to handle this change. I really believe the Lord saw how broken my heart was over it and He interceded on my behalf in a way I couldn't do on my own. I can now say I know that I have accepted this change and have a positive outlook on the experiences that will come with it. I can cling to the fact that the Lord knew what was best for me when I didn't and He saw me through it for His glory! Also I believe He will help me with the challenges that will come with it because He has been with me from the very start with this specific change. We serve an amazing God!

So my challenge to you friend is examine your heart and see if you have really embraced the changes that have been placed in your life or changes that you need to make on your own if it's the Lord's will. Who knows the blessing we might be missing out on if we don't accept changes in our lives! Also in life some changes need to be made because it is best for us and they may be hard to face but if you do things in faith knowing it is the Lord's will you will be blessed and not hindered. If the Lord has revealed a change in your life that needs to be made don't hesitate it will be a blessing in the end and it will be for His glory! Amen!!??

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Our last two weeks in pictures

Hope you enjoy and as you can tell I am really wanting to write and tell you all about the blessings we have been enjoying but I will try to let the pictures speak for themselves!

After our Zane's first morning at church

Too cute snoozing Zane loves his puppy that makes music and nature sounds.
The first picture with the girls holding Zane they had to wait until they weren't so sick.

Too cute so concerned over him

Full tummy!

Sleeping with Daddy!

Just adorable!!!

I love this one he looks like a little slugger already!

Sleeping smirk for ya mom!

Wide awake but not for long!

Precious hands!

The girls keeping him entertained and happy while mommy works a bit.

My precious children! All ready for our Wednesday night at church!
Taken today 2/8/2012

Super happy!

They always say "oh baby you're so cute!"

She was too adorable this morning I put Zane in her bed after their bath so I could help get them ready. While I was helping Faith Justice piled all her animals around him like he was one of her baby dolls!

Before this picture she says "I'm a big sister"

Faith is a pro at holding Zane and what a helper! She has such an obedient spirit. I ask her for help A LOT and she is always so willing and happy to help when it comes to her new brother! Today she held him while I changed some laundry out! It's amazing to have an extra pair of hands! I am so thankful that she is such an obedient kiddo.

She is a great big big sister and I know her and Zane will have a special bond because she is so caring for him just like she is with Justice. Doesn't mean they won't fight or disagree but they will definitely love each other!

Hope you enjoyed the pictures and as soon as I can I will upload the other ones from my phone! Have a great Wednesday and God Bless!

Sorry for the delay!

Hey y'all

I have been wanting to get on for days and just write but haven't been able to find the time! Three kiddos is alot more demanding. Although sometimes I think it is just having a new baby. I am probably being to hard on myself! I had been so on top of everything before having Zane and now it seems I am always a few steps behind if not a lot of them! HAHA Speaking of he is starting to grunt quite a bit I will probably need to finish this later.

Today I was able to get up early with my husband and do our Bible reading before he went off to work. We have stayed on track since the beginning of the year and it has been such a blessing! I really didn't know if we would be able to keep up with after Zane but we have continued and caught up when we need to but we are right on schedule. The time in the word has been such a blessing! If it has shown me anything in our marriage it's that we really are an amazing team. We are really good at holding each other accountable and building each other to do right. I have always known Scott and I were a good team because he is always such a help to me when I need it most whether it be with the kids or housework. He never hesitates to help when I ask and I likewise; at least I think so ;) You might have to ask him. Either way I am excited to see how our marriage strengthens around the word of God. I know it will only be blessed!

So I am still not quite in the swing of things but it is slowly getting there! Praise the Lord! It had been driving me bonkers that I wasn't able to get up in the morning before my kids. I had gotten into a really good routine before having Zane and I was loving it. It was a very productive/scheduled routine and it made all the difference in the function of our home.

So this is totally in the middle of all of this but I am so happy about it I had to fit it in! Scott and I OWN our van finally! Paid in full! It is an 05 and has only 90,000 miles on it! It's a great van and we plan on keeping it until it doesn't run. Plus we also were able to get a credit card paid off completely and we plan on working on our debt snowball! If we work everything out we should be out of debt completely by September of 2014 Yay that is only 2 years away! DEBT FREE!!! That includes paying off our other vehicle also! Oh what a day that will be!We are a lot more fortunate than others our age we have taken on a lot less debt than most but debt is debt and it's hard to get out of it once you are in! I praise the Lord for that vehicle payment being gone and us being able to put that money towards other bills!

I am really wanting to get better at updating my blog and having more specific topics I write about. I have notes in my phone about the different topics I would like to emphasize and in due time I will be able to get that done. Blogging can take quite a bit of time but I know it's worth it for me. It is a wonderful outlet to get somethings off my chest and then also the wonderful things the Lord lays on my heart to share and pictures who doesn't love pictures!!! Speaking of I will update some in another post later today during the girls nap. That is if Zane will allow it....We are all working around his schedule at this point! Well all I would love to be writing on a topic but instead I am playing the catch up game again! I promise I will get more on top of it but until then I will really try to stay updated on the pictures! Zane is changing more and more everyday! When we went in for his checkup he was up 2 whole pounds! He is now up to 8.8 lbs and grown almost an inch! He is going to be a big big boy! I have great pictures of the girls holding him. I have tons of pictures on my phone but no idea how to get them on my computer! I need my husbands help with that! So soon my loved ones I will have new pictures up for your veiwing pleasure! ;o)  Take care y'all!