Wednesday, March 16, 2011

~Family shopping day~

This last week on Scott's days off were as Faith would say it best day EVER!!! We were blessed with such wonderful family time. Yesterday we were able to go to Rapid City for some much needed shopping. We took our time with our morning and left the house around 11 so no rush. Then we were on our way to Rapid. Before we left I bought the girls the character juice cups to take with us. It's the little things with my kids and I want them to remember the little things. They get so excited about little things and I pray when they are older they remember that when we had a family day, mommy and daddy did small things to make the day great! They were so excited when I got back in the van with their special juices! After that we were on our way...We made it to Rapid and took the girls to eat at Wingstreet. Scott and I love to eat there and the girls enjoy playing the games there too. After that we were off to the mall where the girls road the carousel: again the little things :) Then we rented a stroller from the mall; by the way not recommended if you can bring your own: it costs 5 dollars. We went to the desired stores we need to hit up before taking the girls to Payless to get their summer play shoes! That was cute Faith kept saying want to see my new shoes!!! She is such a friendly little girl. I am still trying to teach her stranger danger. It is a constant thing to remind her of who strangers are! After we had finished shopping at the mall we took the kids to the indoor play place to burn off some energy. They were bouncing off the walls most the day! We then went to our favorite store EVER Target and finished up our shopping. The girls got some sidewalk chalk in the shapes of eggs to play with outside. Scott bought some herbs to plant with the girls, but he was too excited he ended up doing it by himself last night. The girls chowed down on some hot dogs and lemonade before we left. I would say we were in the car for less than 5 minutes and they were both just out like lights! It was a busy but very good day. I hope the girls enjoyed themselves even tho it was a loonnnggg day of shopping!

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