Saturday, March 26, 2011

Time for an update~God is still Good!

Hey y'all I know it has been much to long since I have updated. I don't have my camera inside otherwise I am sure I would upload some new pictures too.

So anyway what's been going on with my and the ones I love....My pastor is still in Wisconsin and he is undergoing chemo treatments. To say the least I think it has been very rough on him. It's hard to hear about the side effects to what is happening because of them. I just pray it is worth it for him to do them and that they are effective enough to make a difference. I miss him very much and our church is missing him too. I would love for him to be with us but this is not the season for that I suppose.

My dad (Richard) was diagnosed this last week with cancer in his kidneys and in his lymph nodes to say the LEAST this has been very difficult to deal with. I have let it sink in and I have had my real breakdown and dealt with my emotions over this. So it is completely real to me and I am now taking everyday day by day. I learned  about my dad's cancer almost two weeks after my pastor. These two men; apart from my husband have been the most involved in my life for the last 15 and 7 years. So dealing with the thought of these two men being taken from me was very hard to deal with. At first I was angry that this was happening but after telling the Lord that He reminded me to be thankful for the last 15 years with Richard and the last 7 years with my pastor. Sure enough the Lord flooded my mind with memories of my pastor and dad. He showed me all the things I needed to be praising Him for rather than being upset for what might come. I am so glad the Lord got ahold of me as soon as He did and He didn't allow me to get bitter. Since this has happen I have been able to deal with the reality of the situation alot better. I have peace that God will not fail me in whatever He is doing. He did not fail me when He brought Richard or my Pastor into my life. He so abundantly blessed me beyond measure! God can do anything Anything ANYthing ANYTHING but Fail. (That is just a chorus the Lord gave me after He reminded me to trust Him.)

I will be honest I don't know if the Lord will heal either of these men. I know He is able to if He wants to. I am just trusting my Lord to do what is best for both of them. I know if they are in His will they are doing as good as they can: considering their circumstances. I know both of these men are headed to heaven to be with Jesus. My pastor received the Lord Jesus into his life at the age of 15 or16. My dad has shared with me that he was saved at age 13 behind the church my mother and him were married in. I have complete peace about seeing them again. I have peace knowing they will be with Jesus! To me nothing could be better than knowing 100% they will be with Jesus! If Jesus could be any sweeter to me right now my heart might just burst! I want to share with you a song that is ringing in my heart. My God will never fail me His love is most pure! God Bless You All!

The Love of God

The love of God is greater far
Than tongue or pen can ever tell;
It goes beyond the highest star,
And reaches to the lowest hell;
The guilty pair, bowed down with care,
God gave His Son to win;
His erring child He reconciled,
And pardoned from his sin.
  • Refrain:
    Oh, love of God, how rich and pure!
    How measureless and strong!
    It shall forevermore endure—
    The saints’ and angels’ song.

  1. When hoary time shall pass away,
    And earthly thrones and kingdoms fall,
    When men who here refuse to pray,
    On rocks and hills and mountains call,
    God’s love so sure, shall still endure,
    All measureless and strong;
    Redeeming grace to Adam’s race—
    The saints’ and angels’ song.
  2. Could we with ink the ocean fill,
    And were the skies of parchment made,
    Were every stalk on earth a quill,
    And every man a scribe by trade;
    To write the love of God above
    Would drain the ocean dry;
    Nor could the scroll contain the whole,
    Though stretched from sky to sky.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

~Family shopping day~

This last week on Scott's days off were as Faith would say it best day EVER!!! We were blessed with such wonderful family time. Yesterday we were able to go to Rapid City for some much needed shopping. We took our time with our morning and left the house around 11 so no rush. Then we were on our way to Rapid. Before we left I bought the girls the character juice cups to take with us. It's the little things with my kids and I want them to remember the little things. They get so excited about little things and I pray when they are older they remember that when we had a family day, mommy and daddy did small things to make the day great! They were so excited when I got back in the van with their special juices! After that we were on our way...We made it to Rapid and took the girls to eat at Wingstreet. Scott and I love to eat there and the girls enjoy playing the games there too. After that we were off to the mall where the girls road the carousel: again the little things :) Then we rented a stroller from the mall; by the way not recommended if you can bring your own: it costs 5 dollars. We went to the desired stores we need to hit up before taking the girls to Payless to get their summer play shoes! That was cute Faith kept saying want to see my new shoes!!! She is such a friendly little girl. I am still trying to teach her stranger danger. It is a constant thing to remind her of who strangers are! After we had finished shopping at the mall we took the kids to the indoor play place to burn off some energy. They were bouncing off the walls most the day! We then went to our favorite store EVER Target and finished up our shopping. The girls got some sidewalk chalk in the shapes of eggs to play with outside. Scott bought some herbs to plant with the girls, but he was too excited he ended up doing it by himself last night. The girls chowed down on some hot dogs and lemonade before we left. I would say we were in the car for less than 5 minutes and they were both just out like lights! It was a busy but very good day. I hope the girls enjoyed themselves even tho it was a loonnnggg day of shopping!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Time out :)

Today has been good day. I was blessed with a good day with my family. The weather was beautiful and the wind was not to bad for Wyoming! We started out the day with an easy going morning and then on to Faith's school work.

Side note~
She is continuing to excel daily. I was able to order her A Beka curriculum yesterday so I will start that as soon as it comes in. Up until then we have been using flash cards, dry erase board, and just a basic kindergarten book you can buy at a school store. I am really looking forward to getting her new curriculum. It will have more workbooks, writing tablets, and reading books! I know she will be excited to see the new books she will get to start reading all by herself! I am so excited for will be so rewarding to hear her read her books! 

After Faith's school work we finished up some chores around the house. Then we went to Walmart for some plant starter pods and some more seeds. We reserved a spot at the local community garden so we will have our own 400 sq ft to plant our own crops! We are so excited about it!!! I am going to sit down with Faith and plan the layout this week; I know she will have fun with that! After we were finished at the store we came back home and I was off {to my time out} a coffee date with Hitomi, a new girlfriend from church. This was our first time out to coffee so it was alot of fun to just get to fill each other in on the basic stuff. I can already tell that the Lord has blessed me with this new friendship. She is so genuine and sweet. We have quite a bit in common and our conversation flowed with ease. I am excited to get to know her more and also for our husbands to get to know each other as I think they will have alot in common!

So after my girl time out I was off to a date with my husband. The date was his idea which is honestly the best part about the date. I love that he wants his time apart with me and that he was wanting it so much he told me with plenty of time for me to ask my sister to come hang out with the girls while we went. The girls were thrilled to see Aunt Amy. Faith colored her a picture two days ago and was so excited to give it to her.

Today was a wonderful time out of my common routine of things. Family, friendship, and love not much else better than these things. The Lord gives me all these things tho so He is above all! Thank Lord for another fine day!

Sickness~Expect Miracles

I haven't posted in about 4 or more days. It's been a week that I would love for it to be over. With all the news of sickness this week I honestly had a very hard time about not being weary. Weary because I was questioning life and the road it was taking. In my mind I was screaming to myself no turn around go the other direction!!!! Why is this all happening???

As from previous posts you have seen alot of my loved ones have been sick with one thing or another. My husband's Grandma and Grandpa from Florida, my Pastor, my dad Richard, and to top it off all week my kids have been struggling with strep throat. This week has been especially hard because I found out news about Richard that is hard to handle. All the while I know God is in control. But I know myself well enough to know I want that control and I want to make it all go away. Thankfully my step-sister Janene was able to  get my dad into a doctor sooner. Getting him into the doctor earlier according to his new doctor was crucial. I am just so thankful to Janene for what she has done for him and the future of his health. This battle with his health is not close to over it's just beginning but at least now I know that we are headed in the right direction.

I know God will be faithful thru this time. I know His guiding hand will be with the doctors who operate on him. I don't know why this is happening but I know God has a perfect purpose behind this. I am hoping it strengthens the relationship with my step-sister Janene. We have had an strained relationship and I would love for it to be a good one again. We got along when I was younger but things happen as I hit my teen years and ever since then it's been just an unsettled relationship. I have so much to thank her for! I am hoping that we will be able to talk soon. I hope I can be a blessing to her during this tough time.

I went to see my Mom and Richard yesterday, it was hard to see him in pain. He is also very thin compared to his normal self. The pain is the hardest thing for me to see. It just breaks my heart to see this big strong guy wince at the pain he is enduring. I wish I could take it away! I am just so glad he goes back to the doctor in two days and we will all have clear direction on the way things are headed.

Right now I am just asking God to guide the way! Please keep him safe and Lord thank you so much for him. I love him dearly!

Monday, March 7, 2011

God's guiding hand will not fail us!

As you may have read in a previous post I shared that my Pastor is of bad health. Today a letter from him was read at our church by his daughter. The letter was to inform us of his news that he has been diagnosed with cancer. This cancer is rare but what it does is attack the blood and usually the heart first. In Pastor Bode's case it has attacked his kidneys. With the news of this cancer I can honestly say that I felt prepared almost. I have been telling myself this for the last couple weeks that it could be worse case scenario. In this case I think God was preparing me emotionally as I am very close with my Pastor. I think of him like a dad, he has helped raise me spiritually. This man has taught me the last seven years in the fundamentals of the Bible. He is an amazing man truly God given to our church! So to say that I am not saddened about this news would be a lie; but I must say I know without a doubt that God has a great purpose in what He is doing with Pastor Bode's life. Pastor Bode's life is not over: if it be God's will I know He will heal Pastor Bode.  I know until this mans last breath he will praise the Lord for what He has done for him.

Pastor Bode
This was taken at Spearfish Canyon August 2010
{A very fun & good day}

So after receiving the news of Pastor's cancer Scott was the preacher for today at Central Baptist and I was worried for him. I knew this news was as new to me as it was to him. Thankfully Scott thru the Holy Spirit's help was able to transition into song about the Lord and His faithfulness.(Great is thy Faithfulness) We were as a congregation able to praise the Lord knowing He will be faithful through His plans for Central Baptist Church. I am so glad that Pastor Bode has never put himself onto a pedestal. Or made us to feel as tho we should follow him as I know some other churches do with their preachers. Pastor Bode preaches the word of God allows the Holy Spirit to work in the hearts of the people and reminds us he is a sinner just like us. If any of the members of our church have followed Pastor Bode instead of the Holy Spirit it is not because of Pastor it would be because they have given their hearts and affections to a man rather than the God we serve!

Anyway to progress in today's events. God was faithful to the church that He loves and He ministered to us during the preaching of His Word. This mornings message was on the progression of sin and the results. It was an intense message based on three portions of scripture Judges 17 and 19. Then it was finished with Hebrews 12. This message was challenging and I believe what the church as well as what I needed. Tonight's message was on Joshua 1. This message was an encouragement from the Lord on what we are to do in the face of change. God spoke to me very much today. He is reminding me of His control, His faithfulness, and His love! God will see us at Central Baptist through this; as long as we are faithful, and do not faint or fear. We will see His mighty hand at work during these trying times that are coming along. He is our shelter in the time of storm! Thank you Jesus for you love and your guiding hand in my life and in the lives of my church family.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

*God inspires me in more ways at MOPS*

I wanted to share my day with you it was a lot of fun. Today at MOPS we played a game called bunko it was a great game to get to know the people around you and just enjoy the simplicity of rolling dice! We also were able to do a craft this week. One I was so excited to do because it involved making sweets and making them look pretty!!! All the while God knew I needed Him to speak to me....

So anyway I am going to share my craft with you so that if you need a good gift giving idea you will be able to use it :)

Cowboy Cookie Jar Mix

If you can't see this charm it says EXPECT MIRACLES!!! This is the one I picked up not knowing what it said. With the recent news of my pastor being very ill, my Dad sick, Scott's grandpa Bob having health problems, also my husband having a tear in his shoulder God wanted to remind me He is MORE than able to preform MIRACLES. I am to EXPECT them!!! Thank you Holy Spirit for not being quiet during this time!
So I would like to bless you with the recipe for this creations of cookies. I always wanted to know how to make these and it was so much fun to do. Here ya go! Have fun with it. Bless someone with this as a gift.

*1 1/3 Cups all purpose flour
* 1 teaspoon baking powder
* 1 teaspoon baking soda
* 1/4 teaspoon salt
*1/2 cups brown sugar
* 1 cup semisweet chocolate chips
* 1 1/3 cup rolled oats
*1/2 cup pecans or m&ms
* 1/2 cup white sugar


1. Layer the ingredients in a 1 quart jar in the order given. Press each layer firmly in place before adding next layer.

2. Include a card with the following instructions: Cowboy Cookie Mix with all ingredients listed above. 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease cookie sheets. 2. In a medium bowl, mix together 1/2 cup melted butter of margarine, 1 egg, and 1 teaspoon vanilla. 3. Stir in the entire contents of the jar. You may need to use your hands to finish mixing. Shape into walnut sized balls.  Place 2 inches apart of prepared cookie sheets. 4. Bake 11 to 13  minutes in preheated oven. Transfer from cookie sheets to cool on wire racks. Enjoy~

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My thoughts on this Spring

I am soo excited for March!!! The first official day of spring is on it's way and I am just thrilled about it! March 20th is the official day if you were wondering. Yes I know we have 19 more days of this dreaded season called winter. On a good note we also have had 40 more inches of snow this winter season also compared to an average Wyoming winter. So what does that mean YAY a more green spring!!!

With all this thought of spring my mood has been lifted so much. I just imagine when the Lord said I will make different seasons He said; winter will be harsh and even weary at times so I will give them spring!
Spring is a season so full of life there is no escaping it! The birds will be chirping in the morning sun. The smell of freshness will fill the air each morning. The dew on the grass will glisten in the first sight of the sun rise. The baby animals will be full of new life and so adorable! The children will play after school and I will hear their laughter once again. Oh I am just thrilled to think of spring!

This is going to be the best spring yet for my family. At least that is what I am hoping for. As a mother I believe you grow into it. You progress each year; you get better at it. I know with myself I have had to grow into being the mother I am suppose to be. I have had to learn to spend more time with my children and not with my house work or my TV. Not to say that I just neglect my home but there is a time and season for everything. God has really been showing me a lot lately about my priorities. I am reading a book called "A Wife's Purpose". The amount of knowledge that can be absorbed from a book like this! I definitely think it will be life changing for me. It already has been. God is molding me into the wife and mother I need to be. I am not saying I will be perfect overnight but I do know that if I will allow Him to work in my life He will bring me to where He wants me to be in these roles of my life.

So anyway with this journey of spring 2011 I am setting goals for myself and my family. Who says you have to make changes the first of the year. I say go for it when you realize they need to be made! My first goal is to have a closer walk with the Lord! My second goal is to schedule my time more accordingly! This includes taking care of myself spiritually and physically for myself and my husband. Stay on top of my housework for my whole family. My third goal is my children lives. To stay scheduled with Faith's homeschooling. Also her and Justice's devotional/ prayer time morning and night. To involve the children in keeping of the home to show them responsibility. To get the children out to do more story time, play dates, parks, and activities. These are my main concerns right now in life and when I feel they are being progressed upon I may add more but for now this is my starting point. With the Lord's help I will succeed and we will be a more functional/happy family.