Saturday, April 30, 2011

Mom or Mother Part TWO

I was so excited last time about what I had to talk about I should have broke it down into two post right away! But because I left you hanging on the realization that these were my feelings and how I had felt in this post I will reflect on how my Mothering is now.

It all started this last January yes only four short months ago....I felt the Lord moving me in the direction of homeschooling my daughter. I know homeschooling can be looked down upon by alot of society and even family sometimes. I will just say this to anyone who is a skeptic (the proof is in the pudding) hahaha! My child is not lacking in social skills and the part that is most important about any child being in school, the education part, my daughter is more than excelling. Four months ago Faith could sing her ABC's and count to maybe 11. Although she could sing her ABC's she could not honestly tell you what letter is what and not even begin to tell you the sound. Faith knew her colors and shapes already. Since January Faith has learned to identify all her letters and their sounds. She is now reading three letter words. She is counting to 100 not by memory yet but by seeing the number. She can count to 30 from memory. Above all this I have been able to do short devotions with her and tell her all about Jesus! She has around 15 scriptures memorized to the letter and with the reference. God has shown me how good He is to those who do His will and not there own.

Apart from all that I was going to tell you that my relationship of being a Mother to Faith did not start until I began to home school her. I began investing more of my time in her. I hung on ever word she said she captivated me for the first times. She was drawn into me and I into her! We had our first true bonding experiences in that first week of school. That week of encouragement and praise changed everything! For the first time I was fully invested into my child. Not another single concern could draw my away from my children. This was it for me I knew that we had reached a level in our relationship that I didn't even know existed. I realized this all the next week when I had to leave home and go clean a house. I actually cried for the very first time because I had to leave my children. I wanted no more to do anything that drew me away from them for hours upon hours! I wanted to be with them. I wanted to be there to Mother them. To nurture them, build them, play with them, make cards with them, and above all just be invested in them! I wanted to give of my time to them so they knew things would never be the same as they used to be!

Thankfully I can say that things are still going great! Are they kids and get on my nerves at times? Of course they do but now I am able to process it instead of just instantly getting agitated. I take the time to speak to my children and help them with a solution to their child like problems. This would have never happen if I hadn't invested in the time it takes to be a Mother!

~Easter Morning~
I thank the Lord Jesus for guiding my life and the life of my family. For Him really making the difference in our home, actions, and attitudes towards on another. God has been so good to us this year and the last half of 2010. I see His hand in it all now and cannot be more thankful to Him. THANK YOU JESUS for you tender care!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Mom or Mother Part ONE

So recently I was blessed to share with a friend of mine something that I realized about myself. I am sharing this on my blog as I hope it is a blessing to you and that it might encourage you.

Here was my epiphany yep that's what I am going to call it because it really caught me by surprise but in a good way. Like I said I was recently talking to a friend and I expressed to her how I as a Mom have had to grow into becoming a Mother. You see there is a difference between the two in my mind. A woman is a mom when she has a child no matter any circumstance that may come that woman will always be a mom. My definition of Mother: a woman who cares for her children's physical, emotional, education and most importantly spiritual needs. See you can be a Mom who tries her best to take care of the physical: clothes, a clean bed/room, giving baths, making meals, giving snacks. All of these things are of great importance but they are also necessities. You can do all these basic things and still be completely disconnected from your child's emotion and spiritual side. There is alot to becoming the Mother to that child that God has blessed you with. Becoming a Mother to a child to some people, I believe, can be a very natural thing but for others I believe some have to grow into.

Now saying all that I would like to share my personal story of being a mom and now becoming a mother to my children. My story starts a little over 4 1/2 years ago when I had my daughter Faith. She was born in late July she was beautiful and healthy I couldn't ask for more! I specifically remember coming home from the hospital and being frazzled about the condition of my home and it's cleanliness or I must say lack thereof! Now that I look back it really was seriously just fine! I was so busy keeping up with my home I can honestly tell you that Faith spent a majority of her first year in a swing, bouncer, or car seat and then it shifted to jumperoos and walkers. I was so busy keeping up with my home I am sure there were days the only time I took the time to hold her was when I would put her down to bed. Even then so exhausted from all the work and busyness I had subjected my self too I was emotionally disconnected from really being her Mother.

So now you are saying to your self oh my goodness Chelsie really...I thought Chelsie had it more together than this her kids talk nice, they may be rowdy at times, but for the most part she has ok kids?...My kids have always grown up hearing I love you and getting hugs and kisses goodnight! They always will but how much of those I love you's were just words. How much of my being a Mother was really shown thru my actions. Sadly to say very little, if none. I can tell you this in all honest and openly because I know it needs to be said. I have never heard anyone I know say I had to grow into becoming the Mother my children needed! I could honestly talk to you forever about this subject because it has so become apparent to me that others probably struggle with this and don't even realize it. You as a mother might have different things that hold you back from investing in the time for your child's character, education, and spiritual development. Things that might hold you back just so you might see what it could be: television, a hobby that takes a lot of your time, going to the gym, spending time with other adults alot instead of your children, housework, maybe your job! You fill in the blank what takes you away from your children the most. Now ask yourself is that going to matter in twelve to eighteen years??? If it's not trust me it's not worth the sacrifice you are making. (Never be driven by money, God will provide) Your sacrifices you make should be for your God, husband and children.

TIME ,TIME, and more TIME is what our children need: our undivided attention one on one!  Those things will get done the laundry, the dishes, the unfinished quilt, the unfinished scrapbook, the unmade bed, you name it it will get taken care of. Wake up before your kids and stay up for a bit and take that needed time for yourself and get the things accomplished that NEED to be done! If you need more time in your day wake up for more time :) The sunrise is such a blessing to those who see it!

I just felt so burdened to share this I hope it blesses you and I think I will have a part two on this post because I would like to expound more on things that have come to light to me concerning Becoming a Mother.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Why the Resurrection?

The Bible tells us that Jesus rose from the
grave on the first day of the week, three days
after his death and burial (John chapter 20). 
Why is this important?
Easter is fastly approaching.  Kids are on spring break, easter egg hunts are being organized, parents are scrambling to put together easter baskets, and many folks are making plans for get togethers or easter dinner.  But why do we celebrate this holiday?  Easter is actually an ancient holiday, at least 2000 years old, and was originally celebrated at the time of the Jew's passover feast.  Easter was known as a celebration of spring and fertility, hence the easter bunny.  But today, it now more commonly known to be a celebration of Jesus rising from the dead.  But what is so special about Jesus Christ's resurrection?  Certainly it is significant.  People just don't raise from the dead. 

I Corinthians 15:1-8 tells us that the gospel is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.   The word gospel simply means good news.  So what is this good news?  In the text to follow, I want to briefly share with you five facts straight out of the Bible, and explain why the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most significant event that has ever been accomplished for mankind (Bible Fact #3).  It really is good news!

The Bible declares that no sinner will be
allowed in God's presence in heaven.
Our sin keeps us from God.
Bible Fact #1: We are all sinners (Romans 3:10, 23):
Only a fool will tell you he's not a sinner. There is universal agreement that all of us, at some point in are lives, have sinned. We may have disobeyed our parents, or lied, or taken something that did not belong to us (even if it was small or worthless).  Our sin displeases God. The smell of our sin stinks in his nostrils, and the Bible declares that no sinner will be allowed in God's presence in heaven. Our sin keeps us from God. There is no way to get rid of the sin ourselves.  Try as we might to remedy our errors, there is no way to take back sins. We try to make up for it our sins by doing good works and doing religious things, but the Bible declares that good works and religion won't take away our sins.

Bible Fact #2: God will Judge our sin:
The Bible states in Romans 6:23 that "the wages of sin is death..." God will one day judge our lives and, as a just God, he must punish those that sin.

God's love will never violate his justice.
That would make him unjust. The
 Bible states all who sin will be convicted and
the sentence is eternal damnation in a place
called hell.
Imagine for a moment that you robbed a bank. A few days later, after spending some of the loot, you feel bad and go back to the bank. You return the rest of the money to the bank owner along with some "IOU's".  You tell the owner your really sorry and to make it up to him you'll clean the bank everyday, without charge, for however long it takes to pay off what you spent and the trouble you've caused him. Without question you'de still be arrested. You would be charged with robbery and appear before a judge.  Even though you're really sorry and you've done many good things to make up and cover what you've done, the judge would still rightfully judge you and convict you of robbery and sentence you with prison time. God is the Righteous Judge. There is no error in his judgement. His justice is perfect and he will judge our sin. Though he loves us, our sentence will not be any lighter.  He will not let us off with a warning or probation. God's love will never violate his justice. Anything less would make God unjust. The Bible states all who sin will be convicted and the sentence is eternal damnation in a place called hell.  This includes you and me.  It's not at all what you might think.  You will burn forever. There will be no light. There will be no parties or keggers in hell.  You will burn, but will not be consumed, and you will remain forever apart from the presence of God.

Bible Fact #3: God judged Jesus on our behalf:

Jesus paid it all. Instead of you standing before the great and
terrible Judge, Jesus stepped in your place. He took all of your
sins, past, present and future, and was judged of God Almighty.

God cares about you and loves you so much that he decided to do something about your sins. I Corinthians 5:21 states, "For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him." Instead of you standing before the great and terrible Judge, Jesus stepped in your place. He took all of your sins, past, present and future, and was judged of God Almighty. He sacrificed himself for you.  He came to this earth not to condemn you, but that He might be condemned for you!  He took your conviction, your sentence and your punishment so you wouldn't have to.  He paid it all.  Not only did he pay for your sins, he gave you his righteousness, so when God would look at you, he wouldn't see a sinner, but the righteousness of his Son Jesus.

So why the resurrection?  When you go to the store to buy something they give you a receipt with your purchase as evidence that you paid for your stuff.  The Bible teaches us that the resurrection of Christ is like a receipt.  It is the evidence that Christ paid for our sins!  His victory over the grave also revealed that death was a defeated foe.  Though we may die, those in Christ will one day be reunited with their resurrected, glorified bodies, and those who are alive at Christ's coming will never taste death.  Without the resurrection, we would be without hope, and Jesus' claims that he was the Son of God would have been nothing more than a claim without any evidence.

God desires to give you eternal life.
He holds the gift out to you, but
in order for you to gain possession,
you must reach out and receive it.
Bible Fact #4: Eternal life is a gift we must choose to receive:
Jesus did for us what we couldn't do: he made a way for us to go to heaven. He did this by sacrificing himself. Romans 6:23 states, "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."  Eternal life is a gift to be received.  God wants you love him and receive the gift he offers you, but he will not force himself upon you.  God desires to give you eternal life. He holds the gift out to you, but in order for you to gain possession, you must reach out and receive it. This is why the John 1:12 says, "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name."

Bible Fact #5: We receive Jesus Christ and eternal life by faith:
How do you receive Jesus?  Religion will tell you that in order to receive Christ you have to be baptized, or you have to join the church, or you have to take communion, or you have to go through a religious class, or you have to get confirmed, or you have to believe and then do some or all of these things.  But the Bible says something different.  Would you make someone work for a gift?  Of course not, and neither does God.  Ephesians 2:8-9 states, "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast."  We don't receive Jesus by doing good works, even religious works like baptism or communion.   Romans 4:5 says, "But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness."  Faith is simply believing what God has said. This type of belief is not just knowing about God.  This type of believe is an unwavering, unmoveable trust seated in your heart.
We don't receive Jesus by doing good
works, even religious works like baptism
or communion. The Bible says that we
receive Christ by putting our complete
trust in what Jesus did for us on the
cross and simply ask him to save us,
believing that he will.

So how does a person receive Christ? The Bible says that we receive Christ by putting our complete trust in what Jesus did for us on the cross and simply ask him to save us, believing that he will.
Romans 10:9,13, "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved... For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Are you trusting in Jesus alone for your salvation, or are you trusting in some of your own good works or religious observances?

Don't be like this person:
Romans 10:3, "For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselved unto the righteousness of God."

Choose to trust that God will save you by simply trusting in him and believing that he alone can save you:

John 3:36, "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him."

John 6:47, "Verily, Verily I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life."

I John 5:12-13, "He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.
These things have I written unto you that believe in the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life...

The resurrection of Jesus Christ was for you dear reader!  So what have you done with Jesus?

Temporary Home

Temporary Home Lyrics
Little boy, 6 years old
A little too used to bein' alone.
Another new mom and dad,another school,
Another house that'll never be home.
When people ask him how he likes this place...
He looks up and says, with a smile upon his face,

"This is my temporary home
It's not where I belong.
Windows and rooms that I'm passin' through.
This is just a stop, on the way to where I'm going.
I'm not afraid because I know this is my
Temporary Home."

Young mom on her own.
She needs a little help, got nowhere to go.
She's lookin' for a job, lookin' for a way out,
Because a half-way house will never be a home.
At night she whispers to her baby girl,
"Someday we'll find our place here in this world."

"This is our temporary home.
It's not where we belong.
Windows and rooms that we're passin' through.
This is just a stop, on the way to where we're going.
I'm not afraid because I know this is our
Temporary Home."

Old man, hospital bed,
The room is filled with people he loves.
And he whispers don't cry for me,
I'll see you all someday.
He looks up and says, "I can see God's face."

"This is my temporary Home
It's not where I belong.
Windows and rooms that I'm passin' through.
This was just a stop,on the way to where I'm going.
I'm not afraid because I know... this was
My temporary home."

This is our temporary home.

You can veiw the song at

I came across this song today and it brought tears to my eyes as I think of all we face in our day to day lives here and how hard it can all seem. It's so nice to know this is just temporary and there is so much more to look forward to. I am glad that I know I will see my loved ones when this temporary home is gone! I am missing you today Pastor Bode! I will see you soon!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A time apart

It's been awhile since I was last able to post. Things have been honestly to busy and consuming. It's a sad place to be in life when you say consuming. Yes my life here of late has been consuming, time draining, and just flat out busy!

I am resolved to stop the hussle and bussle of this life, keep my eyes on Jesus, and take time to just breath. This is my goal for the rest of this week. I want to be busy about my own work in my home. I have many things I need to get done laundry being a main priority!!! You know what tho I do praise the Lord for my washer/dryer and the other thing I praise him for will be that we have NO laundry in heaven. I will have a robe of white and I don't think I will have to worry about getting dirty in heaven :) I just recently prayed for new clothes the other day because I was lacking decent looking tops and starting to look very undone.
The Lord answer my prayer speedily and gave me the desire of my heart. I cleaned a house this Monday and the lady I cleaned for had 2 huge totes of perfectly good clothes in them; some brand new with tags on. She told me to go thru them and to take whatever I liked. My goodness the Lord blessed everything I picked up was my size and things that were in style and modest. God is so good! I didn't even have to go looking for the clothes I needed! Anyways that was a total side note! If you know me very well you know this is exactly how I would talk to you in person ;) Back on track now....I have to go thru the girl's clothes this week and decide what needs to me put in our garage sale this summer and what I can hand down to my niece. I have plenty of clothes for Justice as she grows up and as she has been growing out of things I have been trying to downsize in the amount of clothes I do keep for future children. Just so you know the girls and I are faithfully praying for a baby boy!!! Faith has been asking the Lord for a brother for 5 months now I hope the Lord blesses that prayer!

I still have my regular duties to attend to this week a MOPS meeting, my ladies group, and probably a Friday night meeting too, but I am resolved to be about my business for the rest of this week. I am hoping to get into a routine of going to bed earlier like seriously 9-9:30. My husband is going to think I have lost it! Then being able to rise early possibly hit the gym, do my devotion/prayer time, get ready, and then start my day with my family. I know this needs to happen.

I discussed with Faith today that we would be taking a break from school this week and that we were going to get lots of work done at home. I let her know that I would need her help with her sister. I also promised her a trip to the dollar store for a toy if she can help me out with a good attitude. She was more than willing to agree to play kindly with her sister! What a sweetie! I love that I can tell her exactly what I need from her and she is so willing to please me! I know it won't always be like that so I am cherishing it now.

Well friends, family, and dear loved ones I better be about my business. I would appreciate prayers for the rest of this week. Prayers that I will be able to get much accomplished to make my home a haven of peace and comfort for my husband when he comes home from work. I am going to do my work as unto the Lord and for His glory. I know it will be pleasing to Him for me to do this for my husband and children.

God Bless

Friday, April 15, 2011

~With Jesus~

It's been 12 hours since I heard the news of my pastor going home to be with his Lord. What a bitter but ohh soo sweet feeling. Of course I am sad knowing I will not see him here again, but oh my he is with JESUS!!!

I can only TRY to imagine what an amazing amazing time he is having! Oh to feel the welcoming arms of our Saviour! To hear His tender voice say those words "Well done tho good and faithful servant".  To bow in humble adoration at Jesus' feet and praise Him for His sacrifice! To see His feet and remember the cross He endured for us. To feel love like never ever before! To be completely humbled by His almighty presence! To have an overwhelming peace that floods over your spirit. Awe bowing in awe of Who God really is!!! I haven't even scratched the surface. To witness with your eyes the glorious heaven made by almighty God Himself! It in my mind: the love of God alone will be so amazing we won't even see the glorious details of heaven until we have observed that love fully!

As I write all these images of what I think of God the Father and Jesus I can't help but feel the love of Christ overwhelm me. To think one day I will experience heaven's glory! I will see my Saviour face to face! I will walk and talk with Him! How amazing to think of the Saviours love! Not only did He die for us all He made heaven to spend eternity with us. To share His presence with us! Oh how sweet the Saviour dear friend if you cannot say you know this love of the Saviour; if you have never experience a relationship with Jesus. I plead with you to know this love! To know that heaven is your resting place! The time is now to settle your doubts, your fears, or your indecisiveness.

The bible clearly states the way to get to heaven. "John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." Jesus is the way to heaven! We have nothing within ourselves to get to heaven to be with Jesus. "Romans 3:23 For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." No man is without sin and therefore cannot be good enough for the glory of God. Good news though "Romans 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."  God gives us hope in this verse He says I sent the Saviour for you to be forgiven of all your sins. "Romans 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." If you trust and believe in your heart that the Lord Jesus Christ died for your sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day to conquer death and all sin. Call upon Jesus, acknowledge you are a sinner and  repent of your sin, and ask Jesus to save you. He will save you! All you have to do is believe and ask. Read the above verse again Romans 10:13. Have you ever called out to the Lord and asked to be saved? Today is the day of salvation for you dear friend! Jesus will save you!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

God blesses all the time

Pastor Bode's daughter shared with us last night that the day would be soon approaching and that her father would be passing on into eternity. Of course we are all grieved by the thought of our soon approaching loss but God is so faithful. This morning during both of my short devotionals I check online God was so good to give me the words from the Bible that are perfectly fitting for what is going on. The one you can check out at talks about the "breath of life." From our first breath to our last, we are in God’s care.
God holds our future in His hands
And gives us every breath;
Just knowing that He’s by our side
Allays our fear of death. —Sper

There was also some amazing scripture on there too I will share those verses here too.
Rev. 14:13 And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed [are] the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.

Ps 116:15
15 Precious in the sight of the LORD [is] the death of his saints.

How precious is God's word is during this trying time! I will also share another link I thought of it more for what my church will be going thru in the months to come and it gave me great comfort. The link is as follows: here is an excerpt:

Exodus 1 Afflictions
But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew. And they were grieved because of the children of Israel.” (v. 12)

I pray you check out these links and they bless you in some way. God Bless you this Thursday :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

To be Christ-like....for young moms.

So this well not so morning anymore I am burdened. I have been struggling with quite a few of my duties as a wife and mother. The drive to get the things done I need to get done is just not there.

I desire to keep a clean home, prepare meals for my home, to raise my children in a calm environment, to have a scheduled time for things through-out the day, and above all to be consistent.

So this morning I am going to do a quick Bible study on laziness and woman's duties. I will share my findings with you later on in this blog post.

I Corinthians 14:40
Let all things be done decently and in order.
~I know I ought to have a schedule of my household duties and abide by them so my home functions the way it is suppose to. (in order not chaos)

I Timothy 5:14
I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully.
~I love how it says guide the house. This means it is my responsibility to make sure the duties of the home are completed so the home is lead smoothly and without confusion. If I guide my home right ;with the Lord's help, it will be a place of peace and comfort.

Ecclesiastes 10:18
By much slothfulness the building decayeth; and through idleness of the hands the house droppeth through.
~If I don't keep my home it will fall apart and  become destroyed if I do not tend to it. Idlenss is a very scary place to be comfortable in. If I am content being idle oh how I must watch out for the outcome.

Proverbs 13:4
The soul of the sluggard desireth and hath nothing; but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat.
~If I continue in my laziness I will have nothing but if I be about my business I will be blessed of the Lord. I want to truely be blessed of the Lord. I must be busy about my home. (Not neglecting the word of God and prayer)

I Thessalonians 4:11-12
And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you; Than ye may walk honestly toward them that are without, and that ye may have lack of nothing.
~Be about my own business. What the Lord has called me to do. See verse I Timothy 5:14 again. Work with my own hands that means do it by myself ;not hire out for or ask for help. Except to train your children so they can be good at knowing work when they are older.

Titus 2:4-5
That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,
To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.
~These are my duties as a young wife and mother. I need to do these things so the Lord can be glorified!

I pray this has blessed you and challenged you if you are a young wife/mother. I know it made things clearer to me about my duties. If you are a young mother reach out to a mentor mom. Someone the Lord has put into your life to be an example. Ask for wisdom and guidance on your marriage and child rearing. They will be a blessing to you.

I spoke with my mentor mom today, a dear friend of mine, she challenged me to give my children a chore chart. This is my duty as a mother to raise my children to work. I am not saying be a slave driver but give them age appropriate task to accomplish through-out the day. They will feel accomplished and take some burden off of the load. God Bless You and have a peaceful day!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Old friends~Forever friends~

I was so blessed this last weekend to have a dear friend of 8 years call me up to let me know she missed me and she would be up the next day for a stay over night! She drove 3 1/2 hours to come spend time with us. The minute she walked thru my door I felt so much love and joy. She is such a dear friend to me and instantly we just pick up where we last left off. We didn't have to do anything extravagant while she was here. In fact the only thing we really did outside of just chatting was go to DQ with the girls. I will share some pictures with you. The girls have been friends ever since they were babies! It's so fun to see them still get along so well.

Ashley and I

McKenna, Faith, and Justice

Sweet McKenna and Ashley

A friend is someone who knows the song of your soul and sings it back to you when you've forgotten the words.

Make new friends but keep the old, One is silver and the other is gold.

I will trust you Lord

A Song I sang to my Dad yesterday at my visit...

It's funny how we do it the plans for our lives
We plan for success and try to pass the pain right by
But it just doesn't work that way God has a different plan
He works in ways we never see beyond the scope of man

When the journey takes a detour unexpectedly
And I try to accept and understand what it all means
When I'm pressed to show the world what I really believe
I will trust you Lord
When my heart begins to faint because I see my life so frail
And my soul cries out oh Lord how long can I keep this at bay
Cause in the fiercest part of battle when my feet don't want to stay
I will trust you Lord with my life

I may not understand it and even question why
What good would ever come from this has even crossed my mind
But God's teaching me to trust Him more as He works His will in me
I rest securely in His care and surrender sure is sweet

When the journey takes a detour unexpectedly
And I try to accept and understand what it all means
When I'm pressed to show the world what I really believe
I will trust you Lord
When my heart begins to faint because I see my life so frail
And my soul cries out oh Lord how long can I keep this at bay
Cause in the fiercest part of battle when my feet don't want to stay
I will trust you Lord with my life

Cause in the fiercest part of battle when my feet don't want to stay
I will trust you Lord with my life!!!

(I wanted to share these lyrics to this song with you. I hope in the fiercest part of your battle whatever it may be... You trust the Lord with your whole life!) I am trusting the Lord with my life during this battle.)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Lord said where is your faith?

As you all know my life as well as the life of my family and my church family is going thru a rough time. With the struggle of the soon approach of us losing our Pastor it is to say the least an overwhelming time. There is all the what ifs going through my mind. I know they are going through other people's mind too. I must say that I am resolved to keep my eyes of the Lord.

I will not fear what may come. I will not doubt the work of the Lord. I will not let my mind wander into the dangerous depths of the possibilities that may come. I will not look at others and question their motives. I will not fear!

I know the Lord is in control. I know He has all power and wisdom. I know He has not failed me ever. I know He will not fail His church.  I know He is in control of His church. I know He is moving in the hearts of men to establish His will. I know He will eventually in His time bring the right man into Cenral Baptist Church. I know God's almighty, gracious, loving, powerful, and guiding hand is upon His Church!

With Easter soon approaching I am reminded of the Lord's power to accomplish the Father's will. Christ rose from the dead and not only that but it was after 3 days! What an almighty powerful Saviour we have!!! Yet we still doubt, fear, and even question. How this must sadden our Saviour! Where is our faith church? Is it in what man can do whether that be good or bad. It shouldn't be: look at the following scripture.

II Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
God could not be more clear about this that we are to not worry or fear. We are to claim the power and love of God. This will give us a sound mind so we will have a peace that passes all understanding.

If you are struggling with peace remember who peace comes from and trust. Romans 8:28 God works all things together for good to them that loveth the Lord.  Trust Jesus He won't disappoint you. If you keep your eyes on Jesus not saying everything will be perfect but the disappointment of life will be much easier to handle. Stay in the word of God.

Hebrews 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God.  You want your faith to be strengthened get in the Bible. For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Hebrews 4:12 Oh how powerful the word of God is do not neglect it! Christian let the Lord lead you. Let the word of God divide your soul and spirit. Let your heart be led of God. Oh please hear me christian get your eyes on Jesus.

Your faith will never grow if you never pick up the Word of God....

Friday, April 8, 2011

Be oh so careful of your sources!

I have been reading a devotional book for mothers called Out of the Spin Cycle by Jen Hatmaker. It was given to me! I must say that as I grow and establish my faith in the Word of God I am much more grounded in what I believe.

First and foremost I believe any devotional book should be based on the Bible and should not be just any bible version. You see even looking up my verses in my King James Version Bible is not good enough. The message through-out the devotion is twisted because of the translation. I am sure this woman doesn't even see that what she is saying is completely taking things out of context because her bible translation is wrong.
It's so sad to see a generation of  "christians" that are led in false doctrine because they have forgotten the Word of God is HOLY. Yes Holy not to be added to or taken away from! Not to be taken in anyway you want to interpret it! Not used for your benefit of dumbing down the christian life!

God is the same yesterday, today, and forever! God's expectations of the christian life/walk are not going to change! God has high expectations of us as followers of Him! We are not suppose to be of the world this world is not our home! We are called to be sanctified. Definition: set apart for His purpose! Not our purpose, not our gain, not our desires. Set apart for His purpose, His gain, and His desires! We were created for His pleasure not to fulfill our own.

If God calls us to be a wife/husband we are to do what the Bible says we are to do in that ministry of our life. If the Lord calls us to be a mother we are to do as the Bible says in rearing our children, teaching our children, and guiding our children in this "christian life". The Word of God is thee final authority not some godly book just because it is written by a christian man, woman, "pastor", pastor's wife.

Be oh so careful about your sources! I will have you now that book although written by a "christian woman" a pastor's wife no less; will be thrown in my garbage this morning! I believe the Lord is utterly dissatisfied with our lukewarm "christian" movement today. The Lord must want to spew so much out of His mouth when He sees these lukewarm acts. I must say today I myself am disgusted by it!

If you are a born again believer in the Lord Jesus Christ set your standards high! The Lord has not changed and neither will His words ever change! Trust the old paths. I won't be searching out any new devotional books written with another bible translation. I will be searching for the older ones with the same KJV Bible I know is the inspired Word of God.

Hope this blesses you and challenges you in a good way :) Be blessed!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

~Keeping my eyes on Jesus~

I apologize for being sporadic on my writing. Believe it or not I have been more involved in my reading. In the past I haven't had much of a desire for reading much at all. Through prayer I think the Lord has blessed me with a desire to read. Since I no longer involve myself in social networking sites I have really had extra time to involve myself in things that have a lot more meaning. I have been reading two books consistently ("A Wife's Purpose" by Cindy Schaap and "Out of the Spin Cycle" by Jen Hatmaker) I have also started reading and looking into more blogs and devotional sites. I love it reads the devotional and the scripture of the day. I also am following 3 devotional blogs online. You can look at them off of my profile. So this is what I have been filling my time with. I am feeding myself the Word of God as much as I can I am saturating myself in as much scriptural wisdom I can get. I am keeping my eyes on the Lord.

"Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace!"

I love that chorus and it is so true! God has been very faithful to me concerning seeing His glory and grace in life right now. With all that is going on with my pastor and my dad (Richard) not to mention the extra stress of working outside the home, keeping my own home, homeschooling Faith, and being involved in the ministry opportunities the Lord has trusted me with. I have been very busy but I am taking the much needed time to work on my spiritual life more than anything else. God is so faithful and He will guide me along the way.

In this post I want to encourage all my readers to keep your eyes on Jesus and do not hesitate to get in the Word and search out the Lord's glory and grace. I also want to publicly thank the Lord for His grace at this time and also showing me His glory during these times.

I will post pictures of the girls soon. I know it has been much to long! They will be up soon :) God Bless You All