It all started this last January yes only four short months ago....I felt the Lord moving me in the direction of homeschooling my daughter. I know homeschooling can be looked down upon by alot of society and even family sometimes. I will just say this to anyone who is a skeptic (the proof is in the pudding) hahaha! My child is not lacking in social skills and the part that is most important about any child being in school, the education part, my daughter is more than excelling. Four months ago Faith could sing her ABC's and count to maybe 11. Although she could sing her ABC's she could not honestly tell you what letter is what and not even begin to tell you the sound. Faith knew her colors and shapes already. Since January Faith has learned to identify all her letters and their sounds. She is now reading three letter words. She is counting to 100 not by memory yet but by seeing the number. She can count to 30 from memory. Above all this I have been able to do short devotions with her and tell her all about Jesus! She has around 15 scriptures memorized to the letter and with the reference. God has shown me how good He is to those who do His will and not there own.
Apart from all that I was going to tell you that my relationship of being a Mother to Faith did not start until I began to home school her. I began investing more of my time in her. I hung on ever word she said she captivated me for the first times. She was drawn into me and I into her! We had our first true bonding experiences in that first week of school. That week of encouragement and praise changed everything! For the first time I was fully invested into my child. Not another single concern could draw my away from my children. This was it for me I knew that we had reached a level in our relationship that I didn't even know existed. I realized this all the next week when I had to leave home and go clean a house. I actually cried for the very first time because I had to leave my children. I wanted no more to do anything that drew me away from them for hours upon hours! I wanted to be with them. I wanted to be there to Mother them. To nurture them, build them, play with them, make cards with them, and above all just be invested in them! I wanted to give of my time to them so they knew things would never be the same as they used to be!
Thankfully I can say that things are still going great! Are they kids and get on my nerves at times? Of course they do but now I am able to process it instead of just instantly getting agitated. I take the time to speak to my children and help them with a solution to their child like problems. This would have never happen if I hadn't invested in the time it takes to be a Mother!
~Easter Morning~
I thank the Lord Jesus for guiding my life and the life of my family. For Him really making the difference in our home, actions, and attitudes towards on another. God has been so good to us this year and the last half of 2010. I see His hand in it all now and cannot be more thankful to Him. THANK YOU JESUS for you tender care!