Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Hey y'all

It has been much much too long since I have written. Not that I haven't had anything to write I have truly just been so busy about my home and spending time with dear friends that I haven't had the time. The Lord knows when things are to be done and I think that the season of not writing was honestly just a much needed break that I was suppose to take. I am sure some of my post would not have been edifying. It's been a wave of change these last few months and with me and change well lets just say the testing is long sometimes!

So on to reality we go. What's been going on with our little family. Well we started school back at the beginning of September. It's going much better than I thought and I really am so glad the Lord led me to the ACE curriculum this year! It has seemed a bit slow but I can tell it has really helped Faith sharpen some of her skills in a way I wouldn't have known what to do.I am so blessed to give my children a christian education at home.

Justice is very busy and almost 4 years old. She will celebrate her birthday in November. I have tried to keep her occupied while Faith does school. She participates in the Bible story time. I am slowly easing her into more activities at the same trying not to distract Faith's learning. She is enjoying her coloring and learning how to write some letters. Today I will be printing out more worksheets for her to practice the letters in her name. She is a little bundle of energy but very very intelligent.

Zane is pulling himself up on everything and scoots around the house everywhere! I know before I can blink he is going to be walking! His personality is showing through that he is going to be busy and happy. He is a very very good baby!!!

Scott has been taking it a bit easier since our pastor has come. It's been such a blessing to have a pastor here and Scott and I look forward to sitting under his ministry until the Lord leads us to do otherwise. He is a great preacher/teacher. It's been incredible having him here even for a short time. Scott is still working at the Yes House and the run for City Council came to an end and we believe it was the Lord's will both for Scott to run and also for Scott to not continue on. We trusted Him for everything concerning being elected. God has His perfect plan and I am thankful  for it!

As for myself I have been homemaking, homeschooling and recently started helping a friend with her China business. She sells China on EBay and has a successful business. I love helping her pack, ship, and unpack the China we receive. It's like Christmas!!! :) I am hoping we get more organized for the months to come. I think if we both had it our way I would live out there and work 24/7 until it was completely organized so our lives would be so much easier! I am really enjoying it and it's great because it doesn't interfere with homeschooling and I can work around the kids. Scott is getting more time with them. All the while the extra income I am making is going strait towards getting our finances in order so we are able to live completely debt free!!! A great desire of mine and Scott's a debt free life.  In May the plan is that she is going to England while I stay back and do the business for a month. We as a family will actually live at her home and take care of her springer spaniel  and I will continue on with the demands of EBay  while she and her husband are away. I am happy I can do this for her because she hasn't been back for 20 years and that is way to long to be away from family and the place you were raised. God is good all the time!!!

So this is the catch up and next time I might be able to just write for fun. Love you all and God Bless
