Friday, September 16, 2011

Busy busy busy!

Ok so I know it has been way too long since I have posted but alot has been going on! I hadn't put it on here but we found out we are having a BOY!!! We are more than thrilled! We also just recently went to the bank and found out we are pre-approved for a home loan! YAY Scott! Although we won't probably buy until after the new year unless we feel led to do it earlier! We would like to make sure we are fully prepared and doing God's will in purchasing a home. We also received our new bed yesterday and I woke up this morning with no back or hip pain Praise the Lord!!! I was in shock after realizing I had no pain! YAY! Justice is a bundle of surprises her most recent change is what I like to call her becoming a garbage gut! The girl will eat anything! Yesterday she took the whole bag of grapes out of the fridge and ended up having a very gross accident on them! They all went in the garbage. Josh bought me a candy bar I took one square and while I was putting the new bedding on the bed she ate the rest of the whole candy bar! I was very displeased! I was trying to save it for later! This morning she decided she wanted another pop tart after eating two and attempted to open another one and eat it as well. I took it away and sealed it for another day! Need I say more she is our little garbage gut! On top of all these things we are still continuing on with Faith's schooling and she is doing amazing in her phonics and writing and today we are going to do some hands on math activities to see if this helps her understand the concept of adding and eventually subtracting! She is doing wonderful though. We went to her first art class this Tuesday and she made a color wheel with paint, charms, and even glitter!!! She also made a shoe fish very cute! Faith loves to draw and use her imagination! I am excited to see what she does next week as the plan is to make a taco fish out of clay! I am supposing they have us roll out clay into a flat circle and fold it in half and make a fish out of it. Once we have it folded in half and cut it to the shape of a fish! Here are some recent pictures of Faith's progress and the exciting things she is doing!

Faith's color wheel and Shoe Fish :)

Writing all her colors

She can now read both of these books!

Justice and her beautiful coloring!

I will be sending an email to the grandparents of her reading from one of her school books it would not load to this blog post!