So I recently decided that I needed to get the girl's room redone and it was time to get Faith in her big girl bed. I have had all the bedding for quite some time and just needed to get to it. So I finally got it done. This is not the finished project I do still have some things to do but this is a wonderful start to it :) I still have yet to get Faith's day bed frame painted completely and finish a headboard for Justice's bed to dress it up a bit. Also I have to get their name letters decorated and hung on the wall by Faith's bed. Oh and I have to rehang the curtains that the girls tore down the other day. Here are the pictures. I am very happy with it and the girls love it! Faith said "Mom you made it outside in our room does this mean we don't get to play outside?" How cute are little minds!!!
How cute are those beds!
The tree I love it and it's so fun for the girls because it is just their size!
He is my favorite little decal.
The other side of their room.